Off Topic: President U-Can-Grab-Them-By-The-Pussy

59 million Americans voted for a racist, sexist, bully and IDIOT to be their President.

It looks like 81% of Evangelicals voted to put a shit-head in charge of the most powerful military in the world, and to give him control over our potentially world-destroying nuclear weapons.

I suppose it is no surprise that Evangelical Christians could be so incredibly stupid and so amazingly immoral.

I must mention that Norman Geisler, whose arguments for God I have been criticizing, was a vocal supporter of Donald Trump.   So, we can see in his example how unclear and illogical thinking about God carries over into unclear and illogical thinking about politics and government.  I hope that on Norman Geisler’s grave we will see this epitaph:

I was a big Trump supporter.  

I am so very sorry to have been such a shit-head.  

Please forgive me.  

Whatever the actual words on his tombstone,  I plan to piss on his grave when I get the chance.

We atheists and skeptics must never forget this horrible sin of Evangelical Christianity.  Donald Trump must be hung around the necks of all Evangelical Chrisitan believers, and especially around the necks of Evangelical Christian leaders who publically supported Trump for President.

It was no big surprise that Trump received his greatest support from uneducated white folk.  What is most disturbing, however, is that many college-educated women voted for Donald Trump, according to initial analysis of exit polls. If this is true, then I think there can be only one conclusion: college education in this country FAILS to promote critical thinking.

It has been clear for some time now that college education FAILS to teach even a minimal understanding of science.  Colleges and universities FAIL miserably to make students scientifically literate.  The same is now clearly true about critical thinking.  It is perhaps unfair to expect colleges and universities to undo the mind-numbing uncritical thinking that students generally are inculcated into in elementary school, middle school, and high school.  Four years is perhaps not enough time to undo the damage that our educational system does to the minds of our children.

However, teachers and professors who claim to be supportive of critical thinking (a) cannot give a clear explanation of what critical thinking is, (b) cannot give a clear description of the steps they take and practices and strategies they use to promote critical thinking, and (c) cannot specify how they assess the level of critical thinking in their students and whether their teaching has had any positive effect in improving the degree or level of critical thinking in their students.  The blind are leading the blind, and thus even college-educated women FAIL to think critically about who should be the leader of our country.

I am a skeptic, and I am a skeptic because I am a cynic.  I have a pessimistic view of human beings in general and of Americans in particular.  We are a nation of (at least) 59 million uncritical thinking sheep (and I imagine there are millions of uncritical thinking supporters of Clinton as well).  This election verifies my cynical view of the current state of humanity.  We are the irrational animal.

I still believe that education has the potential to change our species into rational animals, but I fear that so long as the blind are leading the blind in our colleges and universities,  we will continue to face the threat of racist, sexist, bullies and idiots becoming elected to powerful positions where they can continue to shit on all of us.