Month: March 2016

Bird Sighting: The Greater Right-Winged Texas Loon

This story has already been noted on at least one other atheist site, but I have to run it here also. It looks like Mary Lou Bruner, a wacko who says that Barack Obama was a gay prostitute, is headed for the Texas State Board of Education: As I have noted here (many times) Bird Sighting: The Greater Right-Winged Texas Loon

Popper on Falsifiability

Karl Popper famously said that the criterion demarcating science from nonscience was falsifiability. Scientific theories and hypotheses are falsifiable; it is always possible to cite specific observations that would prove them wrong. Dinosaur fossils found in Tertiary strata would falsify the claim that the K/T extinction event gave dinosaurs the coup de grace. Nonscience, on Popper on Falsifiability