Month: January 2016

What is Christianity? Part 3

One objection to my cognitivist view of religion and of Christianity goes like this: “Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ.” In the previous post in this series, I argued that (1) Christianity is a religion according to the Bible.  So, Christians who believe that the Bible is the inspired What is Christianity? Part 3

Why Do So Many People Have a “Winner Takes All” Approach to Evidence about Gods?

If you’ve a regular reader of this blog — or any other blog or website devoted to the existence of God — you’ve probably noticed how often partisans for one side or the other have a “winner takes all” approach to the evidence. In the past, even I was guilty of making statements like, “There Why Do So Many People Have a “Winner Takes All” Approach to Evidence about Gods?

What is Christianity? Part 2

One objection to my cognitivist view of religion and Christianity is this popular little bit of stupidity: “Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ.” I have three initial responses to this statement: (1) read your freaking bible, (2) read your freaking dictionary, and (3) use your freaking brain. 1. READ What is Christianity? Part 2

Atheist Scholar Phil Zuckerman: OK to Criticize Christianity, but Not Islam

You should read both the article and the comments. LINK I could be wrong, but my hunch is that Zuckerman is probably right. Also, I don’t know this for a fact either, but I suspect that the same fear which stifles atheist criticism of Islam also stifles Christian criticism of Islam. Yes, there are atheist and Christian Atheist Scholar Phil Zuckerman: OK to Criticize Christianity, but Not Islam

What is Christianity? – Part 1

Since I am planning to invest the next ten years (or more) of my life in an effort to investigate and answer the question “Is Christianity true or false?”,  I need to start out by clarifying and defining the word “Christianity”. There are those who would argue that Christianity is not the sort of thing that What is Christianity? – Part 1

Evil: Still no Good Answers

Here is an essay written by my friend Eddie Tabash. He is a Constitutional lawyer, legal scholar, and one hell of a defense attorney. Here he tells of his experiences growing up as the son of an Auschwitz survivor. Eddie also provides enlightening and incisive comments on evil and theism. When confronted with instances Evil: Still no Good Answers

Ten-Year Plan: Revised Scope

I am going to start my Ten-Year Plan this year. However, I have decided to EXPAND the scope of the project; I will attempt to eat the whole enchilada, so ten years might not be enough time.  I wrote a previous post (offsite) on my Ten-Year Plan. The question at issue:  Is Christianity true or false? Here Ten-Year Plan: Revised Scope

Ben Carson is Also a POLITICAL Nutcase – Part 1

It looks like Ben Carson’s popularity is fading away, according recent polls (Thank you baby Jesus!). However, he was clearly the number two choice of Republicans from the end of August until early December, and for the first half of November, Carson was neck-and-neck with Trump, tied for first choice of Republicans.  Furthermore, the primary elections/caucuses Ben Carson is Also a POLITICAL Nutcase – Part 1