Month: November 2014

Patheos Evangelical Blogger Rebecca Florence Miller Stands Up for Atheist Civil Rights

Rebecca Florence Miller, an Evangelical Christian and a fellow Patheos blogger, recently stood up for atheists in a big way on her blog. Here are some notable excerpts: I came away from this conversation challenged that I need to do more to stand up for the rights of atheists (and those of other religions) here Patheos Evangelical Blogger Rebecca Florence Miller Stands Up for Atheist Civil Rights

GOP Creationist Believes in Evolution Within Phyla

Check this out: In addition to the usual nonsense, there is something interesting here. This guy says he believes in evolution up to a point, that is, within a phylum. Creationists all along have endorsed evolution within “kinds,” whatever those are. Supposing that this guy knows what a phylum is, he seems to extend GOP Creationist Believes in Evolution Within Phyla

William Lane Craig Complains Dawkins Won’t Debate Him, but Touts Debate in Credentials?

It’s well known that William Lane Craig attempted to arrange a debate with Richard Dawkins in England; Dawkins refused; and then Craig, not to mention numerous others, criticized Dawkins for his refusal to debate Craig. I recently discovered this page on the website of Houston Baptist University. It appears to be a press release dated William Lane Craig Complains Dawkins Won’t Debate Him, but Touts Debate in Credentials?