Getting back to the “Fundamentals” in Texas Education

Texas is great. Sure, the weather is hot, and you might have to dodge some tornadoes, and you had better like Tex-Mex and chicken fried steak (actually, I do). But it is never boring. The fundamentalists keep it interesting. The State Board of Indoctrination, er, Education, which is dominated by fundamentalists, wants to make sure that Texas students are fed th’ God-fearin’, Bible believin’, pickup-truck drivin’, cowboy boot wearin’, Confederate flag dislpayin’  version of history. Yee haw!!! According to that view, white Christian heroes evicted Mexican communists who were illegally occupying land they stole from the white people. Also, slavery was fun. Also, the U.S. Constitution was based on the Bible. Also, Also…Gig ’em Aggies!!!

Fortunately, Texas also has lots of smart, insightful people like Kathy Miller of the Texas Freedom Network. In reality, the “yahoo” element in Texas is now in the minority. Unfortunately, due to gerrymandering and other causes, they still run things.