Month: February 2013

Boudry’s Hoax on “Sophisticated Theologians”

Dr. Maarten Boudry performs a ‘Sokal-style hoax‘ on two theology conferences. Here is the abstract: The Paradoxes of Darwinian Disorder. Towards an Ontological Reaffirmation of Order and Transcendence. Robert A. Maundy,  College of the Holy Cross, Reno, Nevada In the Darwinian perspective, order is not immanent in reality, but it is a self-affirming aspect of reality Boudry’s Hoax on “Sophisticated Theologians”

Debunking the Myth of Persecution

I have a cartoon on my office door showing a pie chart representing religious affiliation in the U.S. Of course, by far the largest section of the pie is labelled “Christian.” All others are represented by small slivers. A speech balloon from the Christian part says “Help! We are being oppressed!” The rhetoric of oppression Debunking the Myth of Persecution

Implication vs. Entailment

In my recent post “The Perfect Goodness of God – Again” I used conditional derivation to prove a conditional statement, and took that to be sufficient to prove that the antecedent of the conditional statement entailed the consequent. Then I had second thoughts about that approach to proving an entailment. Penance for my possible sin Implication vs. Entailment

Thoughts on the “Logical vs. Evidential” Distinction

Chris Hallquist recently questioned the significance of the distinction between logical arguments from evil and evidential arguments from evil. He writes: In general, the insistence of people who follow these issues on classifying versions of the problem of evil as either “logical” or “evidential” is weird. It isn’t something you see with any other kind Thoughts on the “Logical vs. Evidential” Distinction

Mark Douglas Seward: Fine-tuning as Evidence for a Multiverse: Why White is Wrong

Abstract Roger White (God and design, Routledge, London, 2003) claims that while the fine-tuning of our universe, α , may count as evidence for a designer, it cannot count as evidence for a multiverse. First, I will argue that his considerations are only correct, if at all, for a limited set of multiverses that have Mark Douglas Seward: Fine-tuning as Evidence for a Multiverse: Why White is Wrong

An Atheist Guide to Love

Fellow Patheos Atheist channel blogger Libby Anne (Love, Joy, and Feminism) has a column in today’s Washington Post in the Guest Voices section. LINK Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)