Month: July 2012

Jeff’s Picks — 7-Jul-12

I have a huge list of links to share this time. Morality Uncredible Hallq reblogs a really good comparison between God and an abusive boyfriend. Dr. Peter Boghossian talks about the ethics of atheism on Freedomain Radio. (HT: The Morning Heresy) Self-described atheist Jesse Bering has written an essay in Salon entitled, “Don’t Trust the Godless.” Richard Jeff’s Picks — 7-Jul-12

“God Particle” Discovery Means Woes for Atheists?

Check this out: According to some Tweeters, the recent (probable) discovery of the Higgs Boson (unfortunately tagged “The God Particle” by physicist Leon Lederman) has some people once again writing obituaries for atheism. Of course, it seems unlikely that these particular individuals have advanced degrees in physics, philosophy, or theology, so their pronouncements should “God Particle” Discovery Means Woes for Atheists?