Month: December 2011

Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 6

David Marshall has objected to my analysis of the term ‘miracle’ and appears to have misunderstood my claim that the alleged resurrection of Jesus would constitute a ‘physically impossible’ event. Before I attempt to deal with any other objections or criticisms from Marshall, I want to clear up the disagreement and/or confusion that exists about Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 6

Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2007

1. “Quantum Magic” 2. “Encountering Naturalism” 3. “Infidel Publishing in Turkey” 4. “A Metaphysical Naturalist Manifesto” 5. “Clark Adams, RIP” 6. “Anthony Flew’s New Book” 7. “Are Religious People More Generous?” 8. “We Live in the Land of Biblical Idiots” 9. “Atheist and Humanist Emblems” 10. “Hitchens, Apparently, Is Bleeding Insane” Your name Your Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2007

Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2006

Here is an index of our top ten most popular posts from 2006. 1. “New Blog: The Ex-Apologist” 2. “Who Is the Most Prominent Atheist?” 3. “An Atheist Visits Christian Forums” 4. “Could an Atheist Pass a Lie Detector Test while Proclaiming Atheism?” 5. “John Stewart and Richard Dawkins on Ted Haggard” 6. “From Keith Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2006

Best Atheist Debate Performances (revised 3-Apr-14)

The Secular Outpost seems to consistently get a lot of traffic from people who are doing Internet searches for “best atheist debaters.” This post is for them. This post was originally titled “Best Atheist Debaters.” Just as I changed the old post “Worst Atheist Debaters” to “Worst Atheist Debate Performances,” I’ve changed this post from Best Atheist Debate Performances (revised 3-Apr-14)

Atheistic Teleological Arguments, Part 4: Michael Martin’s Expanded Version

A. The Arguments Formulated In chapter 13 of Atheism: A Philosophical Justification, Michael Martin argues that Salmon’s arguments can be expanded to provide a powerful case for atheism: If Salmon’s arguments concerning the unique properties of God are restated and expanded, they provide a powerful inductive case for positive atheism in the narrow sense. The Atheistic Teleological Arguments, Part 4: Michael Martin’s Expanded Version

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

 ‘No more virgins’  Corrected Version According to the UK’s Daily Mall, Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council has warned that repealing a ban on women drivers in Saudi Arabia would result in “no more virgins.” The Daily Mall states that the religious council’s report “warns that allowing women to drive would ‘provoke a surge You Can’t Make This Stuff Up