Month: December 2011

Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2010

1. “Goodbye to All That” 2. “Joylessness or Family Values?” 3. “Easter Week: What Really Happened?” 4. “High Weirdness by H-Net” 5. “Conservatism in Philosophy” 6. “New Age Bullshit” 7. “Extraordinary Claims and Extraordinary Evidence” 8. “The ‘Hard Problem,’ Physicalism, and Theism” 9. “Post-Secularism?” 10. “Robin Collins on the Fine-Tuning Argument” Your name Your email Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2010

Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2009

1. “Atheist Atrocities?” 2. “The Constitutional Rights, Privileges, and Immunities of the American People” 3. “Stupid Philosopher Tricks” 4. “Is It Possible to be a Muslim Atheist?” 5. “Russell vs. Copleston on the Moral Argument” 6. “Theism and the Genetic Fallacy” 7. “Atheism and the Meaning of Life” 8. “A Disproof of God” 9. “The Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2009

Worst Atheist Debaters

Like my list of “Best Atheist Debaters,” I don’t know of any way to be fully objective about this sort of thing. Also, like the other list, I fully recognize that others may disagree. Nevertheless, for what it’s worth, here is my list of worst atheist debaters, organized by topic.Topic: God’s Existence Topic: Morality Without Worst Atheist Debaters

Blast From the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2008

1. “Pew Forum Survey on American Religion” 2. “Christianity (warning: may be offensive to Christians)” 3. “Superlatively Silly Super-Sensitive Secularists” 4. “Christian Student Deflates Atheist Professor” 5. “A Guide to Christian Cliches and Phrases” 6. “Top-Down Causation” 7. “A Hindu Honor Killing” 8 (tie). “Expelled Exposed” 8 (tie). “Idiot Loser Crap Apologist Takes on John Blast From the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2008

Wikipedia Article on Internet Infidels

This is not new, but it was news to me. Apparently, Wikipedia has a very short article about the Internet Infidels: Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Distrust & Anti-Atheist Prejudice

Interesting new paper from Gervais, Shariff and Norenzayan: Gervais-et-al-Atheist-Distrust.pdf The experiments performed by Gervais et al. provide pretty convincing support for the thesis that anti-atheist prejudice manifests as distrust (rather than dislike, or disgust), and that it surfaces most strongly when the need for trust — as opposed to say, likeability, or pleasantness — is Distrust & Anti-Atheist Prejudice