ex-apologist: Some Great Papers from Schellenberg Now Available Online
ex-apologist: Some Great Papers from Schellenberg Now Available Online Thanks, Ex-Apologist, for pointing these out. Schellenberg really is one of the best philosophers of religion today. I think his work deserves much more publicity than it gets, especially among atheists. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2010
1. “Goodbye to All That”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/09/goodbye-to-all-that/ 2. “Joylessness or Family Values?”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/08/joylessness-or-family-values/ 3. “Easter Week: What Really Happened?”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/12/easter-week-what-really-happened/ 4. “High Weirdness by H-Net”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/05/high-weirdness-by-h-net/ 5. “Conservatism in Philosophy”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/08/conservatism-in-philosophy/ 6. “New Age Bullshit”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/01/new-age-bullshit/ 7. “Extraordinary Claims and Extraordinary Evidence”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/12/extraordinary-claims-and-extraordinary-evidence/ 8. “The ‘Hard Problem,’ Physicalism, and Theism”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/09/the-hard-problem-physicalism-and-theism/ 9. “Post-Secularism?”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/07/post-secularism/ 10. “Robin Collins on the Fine-Tuning Argument”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2010/05/robin-collins-on-the-fine-tuning-argument/ Your name Your email … Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2010
Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 9
A key claim made by Christian apologists who defend the resurrection goes like this: (JAW) Jesus of Nazareth was alive and walking around unassisted on the first Easter Sunday. We are considering the implications of the following supposition: 4. (JAW) is false.On this supposition, there are three logical possibilities: A. Jesus was not alive on … Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 9
Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 8
Consider the following claim: (JAW) Jesus of Nazareth was alive and walking around unassisted on the first Easter Sunday. There are two logical possibilities concerning (JAW):3. Either (JAW) is true or it is not true.Of the two possibilities mentioned in (3), let’s first consider the one that appears to favor skepticism about the resurrection: 2. … Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 8
Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2009
1. “Atheist Atrocities?”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2009/02/atheist-atrocities/ 2. “The Constitutional Rights, Privileges, and Immunities of the American People”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2009/05/the-constitutional-rights-privileges-and-immunities-of-the-american-people/ 3. “Stupid Philosopher Tricks”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2009/01/stupid-philosopher-tricks/ 4. “Is It Possible to be a Muslim Atheist?”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2009/03/is-it-possible-to-be-a-muslim-atheist/ 5. “Russell vs. Copleston on the Moral Argument”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2009/02/russell-vs-copleston-on-the-moral-argument/ 6. “Theism and the Genetic Fallacy”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2009/01/theism-and-genetic-fallacy.html 7. “Atheism and the Meaning of Life”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2009/01/atheism-and-the-meaning-of-life/ 8. “A Disproof of God”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2009/05/disproof-of-god.html 9. “The … Blast from the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2009
Worst Atheist Debaters
Like my list of “Best Atheist Debaters,” I don’t know of any way to be fully objective about this sort of thing. Also, like the other list, I fully recognize that others may disagree. Nevertheless, for what it’s worth, here is my list of worst atheist debaters, organized by topic.Topic: God’s Existence Topic: Morality Without … Worst Atheist Debaters
Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 7
I think the best way to make a case for my skeptical view of the resurrection, is to develop a dilemma, following the lead of the great Enlightenment skeptic David Hume. The main question at issue is: Did God raise Jesus from the dead? But at the crux of my skeptical argument will be the … Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 7
Blast From the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2008
1. “Pew Forum Survey on American Religion”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2008/02/pew-forum-survey-on-american-religion/ 2. “Christianity (warning: may be offensive to Christians)”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2008/11/christianity-warning-may-be-offensive-to-christians/ 3. “Superlatively Silly Super-Sensitive Secularists”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2008/03/superlatively-silly-super-sensitive-secularists/ 4. “Christian Student Deflates Atheist Professor”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2008/06/christian-student-deflates-atheist-professor-round-ii/ 5. “A Guide to Christian Cliches and Phrases”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2008/06/a-guide-to-christian-cliches-and-phrases/ 6. “Top-Down Causation”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2008/12/top-down-causation/ 7. “A Hindu Honor Killing”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2008/05/a-hindu-honor-killing/ 8 (tie). “Expelled Exposed”https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2008/04/expelled-exposed/ 8 (tie). “Idiot Loser Crap Apologist Takes on John … Blast From the Past: 10 Most Popular Posts from 2008
Wikipedia Article on Internet Infidels
This is not new, but it was news to me. Apparently, Wikipedia has a very short article about the Internet Infidels: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Infidels Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
Distrust & Anti-Atheist Prejudice
Interesting new paper from Gervais, Shariff and Norenzayan: Gervais-et-al-Atheist-Distrust.pdf The experiments performed by Gervais et al. provide pretty convincing support for the thesis that anti-atheist prejudice manifests as distrust (rather than dislike, or disgust), and that it surfaces most strongly when the need for trust — as opposed to say, likeability, or pleasantness — is … Distrust & Anti-Atheist Prejudice