Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 12

I have previously examined the implications of the supposition that (JAW) is not the case:
(JAW) Jesus was alive and walking around unassisted on the first Easter Sunday.

Now I’m going to start looking into the implications of the supposition that (JAW) is the case.

There are many ways to divide up the logical pie, but I propose to analyze(JAW) into eleven different logical possibilities:

Acronyms for key claims related to Jesus’s alleged resurrection:

JAW = Jesus was alive and walking around on the first Easter Sunday.

JWC = Jesus was crucified on Friday of Passover week, just before the first Easter Sunday.
BWJ = ‘Badly Wounded Jesus’: DSW and JSS and HAF and SAD.
DSW = On Friday of Passover week, just before the first Easter Sunday, Jesus received a deep spear wound to his chest (i.e. the tip of the spear penetrated at least 3” deep, measured perpendicular to the surface where the spear entered his chest).
JSS = On Friday of Passover week, just before the first Easter Sunday, Jesus was severely scourged (i.e. the wounds from the scourging were such that there was at least a .8 probability that Jesus would die in the next 24 hours if he received no care for the wounds).
HAF = On Friday of Passover week, just before the first Easter Sunday, Jesus’ hands and feet were nailed to a cross.
SAD = On Friday of Passover week, just before the first Easter Sunday, Jesus remained suspended on a cross all day (i.e. for seven to eight hours, from approximately 9am to 5pm).
DOC = On Friday of Passover week, just before the first Easter Sunday, Jesus died on a cross (i.e. his heart stopped beating for at least five minutes).

INDEX of Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus posts: