Month: November 2011

Fun with Poetic Atheism

Dear Bleaders, I’m getting the sense that atheism in these parts (’round this url) is not as, shall we say “taken for granted” as it is in my usual conversations. A good number of my usual conversations take place in my head, the ones that involve other people are still usually in New York City, Fun with Poetic Atheism

Atheistic Teleological Arguments, Part 2: Salmon’s Argument(s) Formulated

As I read him, Salmon presents multiple arguments against the design hypothesis. Let us consider the logical form of each argument in turn. Note that all of the argument labels are mine; Salmon does not label any of his arguments in his essay. A. The Argument Against an Unspecified Intelligent Designer This is the argument Atheistic Teleological Arguments, Part 2: Salmon’s Argument(s) Formulated

War on Thanksgiving?

Many religious believers and atheists alike express regret at the crass materialism shown this time of year, when Thanksgiving now represents the prelude to a shopping spree for Christmas presents on “Black Friday.” I gained an appalling insight watching television on the Saturday after “Black Friday.” First I saw frenzied crowds of Egyptian protesters in War on Thanksgiving?

Amazon Review of my Hell Essay

Someone named James D. Zimmerman has reviewed the volume The End of Christianity, edited by John Loftus (Prometheus; 2011) on Amazon. I found this paragraph especially interesting: So, “many Christian denominations have long since dispensed with hell?” I wonder which ones these are. Catholics? The Greek Orthodox? Southern Baptists? Here is what the Greek Orthodox Amazon Review of my Hell Essay

Help Wanted: What is the Primary Source for This Quotation of Bertrand Russell?

From time to time I run across the familiar story about Bertrand Russell being asked how he would justify his nonbelief if he were suddenly in the presence of God. According to the story, Russell replied, “I’d say, ‘Not enough evidence, God, not enough evidence!” The earliest source I have been able to find for Help Wanted: What is the Primary Source for This Quotation of Bertrand Russell?

Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 3

David Marshall has posted a critique of my first post in this series about the resurrection of Jesus. Here is the first in the series of my posts on the resurrection: Here is Marshall’s critique of that post: There are several points of criticism raised by Marshall (about 11 that I see). I have replied Argument Against the Resurrection of Jesus – Part 3