Muslim creationists for freedom of speech

We often hear of Muslims demanding restrictions on free speech, to prevent religious sensibilities from insult.

In fairness, here is a group of Muslims standing up for free speech. They are, in fact, enraged about Western and secularist restrictions of freedom of speech. They demand that


o For banning and burning anti-Darwinist books,

o For refusing to permit any contrary opinions,

o For removing scientists holding opposing ideas from their posts,

o For forcing students to give answers in favor of the theory in university exams,

o For deceiving the world with countless hoax fossils,

o For concealing Cambrian period fossils for 70 years and for still hiding every new fossil discovery since they constitute evidence for Creation,

o For concealing the impossibility of even a single protein coming into being by chance,

o For portraying only hoax skulls as evidence of the so-called evolution of man,

o For so long imposing the lie that mutations cause evolution,

o And for deceiving all of humanity, admitting a biased lie and nonsense, and violating the human rights of all mankind by disseminating that nonsense.

There. That should make us all feel better now.