Idiot Loser Crap Apologist takes on John Beversluis

I notice that some of the exchanges on Secular Outpost have gotten a bit heated lately. Hey, you guys don’t know nasty. We atheists are pikers when it comes to nasty. To see it in its paradigmatic form, you need to look at some of the more far-out fundagelicals. Check this out:;=131
This is a character called J.P. Holding, who also sometimes goes by the name “Turkel,” taking on John Beversluis’s treatment of the C.S. Lewis “lord, lunatic, or liar” trilemma. This guy had a hissy fit over my essay in The Empty Tomb and posted some moronic criticisms. John should be proud. If you elicit foaming rants from Holding and his ilk, you must be doing your job.