Pentecostal rave party

(Hat tip to Ed Babinski, who found this at the Wittenburg Blog. The music is titled “Det snurrar i min skalle” and is from a Swedish group called Familjen–they’ve got several other songs on YouTube.)

I found an apposite quote about this in an Economist article published last year titled “Christianity reborn”:

“A Pentecostal service is an unforgettable experience, part religious service, part spectacle, part rock ‘n’ roll rave. … Harvey Cox, a professor at Harvard, points to two things that have put wind into the movement’s sails. One is the fact that it reconnects people with primitive religion: it taps into a deep substratum of primal spirituality, filling the ‘ecstasy deficit’ left by cooler religions. The movement’s emphasis on experience rather than doctrine gives it a remarkable ability to absorb other faiths, from spirit possession in the Caribbean to ancestor worship in Africa, from folk healing in Brazil to shamanism in Korea. As the Pentecostals say, ‘the man with an experience is never at the mercy of the man with a doctrine.'”