Month: March 2007

After Secularism?

I like to keep religious interference in my life to a minimum. I count myself lucky that I Iive in a social and work environment where there’s no expectation that I should attend any kind of religious service. And in politics as well, one of my leading concerns is to preserve church-state separation and to After Secularism?

Talk at University of Kansas

If anyone’s in the area—I’ll be giving a talk on Tuesday, April 3, 7pm, at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. It will be in the Alderson Auditorium in the Kansas Memorial Union, entitled “The Creation/Evolution Debate in the Muslim World.” Based on An Illusion of Harmony, naturally. Free and open to the public. Your name Talk at University of Kansas

Global warming and evangelicals

Normally, I don’t buy the sentiment expressed by Voltaire, that “as long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities.” Someone with accurate views about the nature of the universe can still be a complete and utter bastard; some of the most gentle, most pacifist people in the world link their behavior Global warming and evangelicals

Nice declaration, but…

The Secular Islam Summit earlier this month appears to have produced “The St Petersburg Declaration,” which expresses some very agreeable sentiments. Normally I’d endorse it, and encourage others to endorse it as well. But I find it hard to support an event organized by some thoroughly vile neocon figures such as Michael Leeden, is dripping Nice declaration, but…

An Illusion of Harmony interview

I should be on the “Faith and Freethought” internet radio show tomorrow at 8pm-9pm Eastern time to discuss An Illusion of Harmony: Science and Religion in Islam. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)