Month: November 2006

Vedanta Philosophy – Part 2

In my last post on the subject I introduced Advaita Vedanta (Hindu) ontology and the three categories of reality: necessary existence (sat), impossible existence (asat), and world-appearance (mithya). So where does God fit into this ontology? The Western concept of God is not something that can be projected onto the Vedanta system. For now, forget Vedanta Philosophy – Part 2

Dawkins Supports Genocide?

There’s a little kerfuffle in the blogosphere recently about Dawkins. No, not the Haggard video. As the LifeSite story reports, and several fringe abortion blogs have picked up and elaborated, Dawkins “advocates eugenics” and “says Nazi regime’s genocidal project ‘may not be bad’”. The article goes on to quote other geneticists in a negative fashion Dawkins Supports Genocide?

Vedanta Philosophy

Over time I’d like to say a few things about important points in Vedanta (Hindu) philosophy. This is a neglected area not just among Western philosophers of religion but also among nonbelievers who are naturally curious and interested in what other religions have to say. And hopefully it will be something a little different and Vedanta Philosophy

The Evidential Argument from Mind-Brain Dependence: A Reply to Bilbo

In my response to Victor Reppert’s anti-naturalistic argument from pain, I stated that a more specific fact (consciousness is dependent upon the physical brain) about consciousness is antecedently more likely on naturalism than on theism. Bilbo provided several feedback messages in response to this claim. As I read him, he thinks the argument is no The Evidential Argument from Mind-Brain Dependence: A Reply to Bilbo

New Blog: the Ex-Apologist

LINK This blog is described as being “Dedicated to fair exposition and critique of Christianity and Christian apologetics.” The anonymous author provides the following profile: “I’m currently in the late stages of a PhD program in Philosophy. I was a Christian and an “apologetics nerd” for 15 years, but deconverted at the end of 2005. New Blog: the Ex-Apologist

Witmer-Cook Debate on Presuppositionalism

I recently mentioned Gene Witmer’s critique of presuppositionalism in an earlier post. Presuppositional apologist Gene Cook has also taken notice of Witmer’s critique. The two discussed the issues on Cook’s podcast. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Resurrecting solidarity

I want to point out a very good review, by Robert Fitch, criticizing a couple of recent and influential books by Michael Lerner and Jim Wallis arguing that the secular Left needs to get more religion. (Thanks to David R. Harding for leading me to the review.) Having leftish inclinations myself, I’m naturally interested in Resurrecting solidarity

Multiple Universes

A couple of my co-bloggers here thought I should say something about John Horgan’s comments on Richard Dawkins vs. Francis Collins in Time, berating Dawkins on his endorsement of multiple universes as a solution to fine-tuning issues. My first inclination was to say something snide. After all, here are Dawkins and Collins, two non-physicists, arguing Multiple Universes