
Genuine Inquiry vs. Partisan Advocacy: Philosophy of Religion vs. Apologetics

Yesterday I blogged about a “recommended apologetics reading” list created by Western Michigan University philosopher Tim McGrew. After several cordial exchanges with Tim, I’ve decided that, despite my best attempts to be charitable, I failed. Contrary to what I had suggested, Tim stated, “I certainly would not recommend that anyone with a serious interest in the truth of Genuine Inquiry vs. Partisan Advocacy: Philosophy of Religion vs. Apologetics

Video of Lowder’s Debate with Frank Turek on Naturalism vs. Theism

Topic: “What Better Explains Reality? Naturalism or Theism”Link: Links to Specific Elements of Debate: Moderator’s Introduction: Lowder’s Opening Statement (20 minutes): Turek’s Opening Statement (20 minutes): Lowder’s First Rebuttal (10 minutes): Turek’s First Rebuttal (10 minutes): Lowder’s Cross-Examination of Turek (10 minutes): Turek’s Cross-Examination of Lowder (10 minutes): Audience Q&A: Lowder’s Closing Statement (5 minutes): Video of Lowder’s Debate with Frank Turek on Naturalism vs. Theism

What is Atheism? – Part 2

Levels of Analysis I’m going to make a second attempt to clarify and define the word “atheism”.  This time, I will emphasize that the analysis and definitions exist at different levels.  Swinburne’s clarification and analysis of “God exists” makes use of different levels of definition or analysis: Level 0:  “God exists.” Level 1:  God exists What is Atheism? – Part 2

What is Atheism?

I know this is a well-worn topic, but I think it is worth hashing over this old question one more time. First, some obvious points that many ignorant, bible-thumping, knuckle-dragging bigots are unable to grasp: 1. ATHEISM is not the same as MATERIALISM (not all atheists are materialists). 2. ATHEISM is not the same as What is Atheism?

Link: Darwin’s Argument from Evil by Paul Draper

Draper’s chapter was published in Yujin Nagasawa (ed.), Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion. Palgrave Macmillan. 49 (2012). It’s available online for free courtesy of Google Books. LINK Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

The Nature of Naturalism

Over the last year (or two?), I’ve had on-again and off-again exchanges on various blogs with reader “Crude” about the definition of metaphysical naturalism. I’d like to comment on his (?) recent objections in the combox on Victor Reppert’s blog start with the linked comment here and work your way down. Each time we’ve had an The Nature of Naturalism