
41,000 Denominations?

Bold Atheism recently tweeted the following meme: #atheist #god #religion #bible #faith #church #atheism #noreligion #religionfree #antireligion #freedomfromreligion #goodwithoutgod #nogod #godless #heathen #nonbeliever #skeptic #secular #humanist #freethinker #think #logic #reason #prayer #sin #atheis… — Bold Atheism (@boldatheism) March 18, 2019 What should we make of this meme? Your name Your email Subject Your 41,000 Denominations?

Stupid Atheist Meme #4: “Let’s Put an End to the Philosophy of Religion!”

Note: For the avoidance of doubt, in calling this and other memes”stupid” I’m not claiming–and don’t think–that anyone who agrees with any or all of these memes is a stupid person.  J.L. Schellenberg has written all that needs to be said on this topic, in a combox on another site (skip down to comment #47). I think it’s Stupid Atheist Meme #4: “Let’s Put an End to the Philosophy of Religion!”

Stupid Atheist Meme #2: “It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”

This is my second post in my series on stupid atheist memes. (For the previous entry, click here.) I’d like to discuss the following meme, coined by philosopher W.K. Clifford in his famous essay, “The Ethics of Belief.” It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence. While I am Stupid Atheist Meme #2: “It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”