
Reply to William Lane Craig on Evangelical Support for Trump

I’ve published an article on my political blog, Data-Driven Politics, which should be of great interest to many Secular Outpost readers: On a related note, I’ve also published on that site my Presidential Effectiveness Dashboard, which is a work in progress, and likely also to be of interest. Link to latest version: Your name Your email Subject Reply to William Lane Craig on Evangelical Support for Trump

Index: The Lowder-Vandergriff Debate: Naturalism vs. Christian Theism: Where Does the Evidence Point? (2014)

Note: The rules for the debate did not impose a limit on the words per minute (WPM) ratio for each speech. Because of the quantity of arguments and objections in this debate, each debater had to balance the desire to be understood with the desire to answer as many arguments as possible. Mr. Lowder elected to Index: The Lowder-Vandergriff Debate: Naturalism vs. Christian Theism: Where Does the Evidence Point? (2014)