
Initial Impressions on the Andrews-Schieber Debate: Part 4

In this post, I’m going to comment on Schieber’s’ first rebuttal. Schieber’s First Rebuttal In defense of his argument from divine lies, Schieber writes: As to my argument against Christian knowledge, Mr. Andrews replies that he knows God is essentially truthful – that it is impossible for God to lie because it logically contradicts his Initial Impressions on the Andrews-Schieber Debate: Part 4

Initial Impressions on the Andrews-Schieber Debate: Part 2

(Continued from Part 1) Justin Schieber’s Case against Christian Theism Schieber presents three arguments against Christian theism: (1) the GodWorld argument; (2) the soteriological argument from evil; and (3) an argument about the possibility of divine lies in the Bible. Let’s each argument in turn. The GodWorld Argument Schieber defines “GodWorld” as “that possible world Initial Impressions on the Andrews-Schieber Debate: Part 2

Initial Impressions on the Andrews-Schieber Debate: Part 1

Christian Max Andrews and Atheist Justin Schieber recently had a debate on the existence of the Christian god. Both audio and a transcript are available online. I think it’s well worth listening to or reading. In what follows, I want to offer my initial impressions of both debaters’ opening statements. Max Andrews’ Case for Christian Initial Impressions on the Andrews-Schieber Debate: Part 1