isolated nontheists

WLC Denies That Anyone Has Ever Died a Sincere Seeker Without Finding God

Can anyone sincerely lack belief in God? And even if they can, can anyone sincerely lack belief in God for the rest of their lives? Many people, including nontheists but not just nontheists, think the answer to both questions is plainly “yes.” But some (many?) theists, no doubt motivated by beliefs such as divine goodness, Biblical inerrancy, WLC Denies That <I>Anyone</I> Has Ever Died a Sincere Seeker Without Finding God

Schellenberg’s Defense of Nonresistant Nonbelief / Divine Hiddenness

In this post, I want to summarize J.L. Schellenberg’s defense of the claim that nonresistant nonbelief exists (or, synonymously, divine hiddenness obtains). As I’ve explained before, Schellenberg’s most recent formulation of that argument is as follows. (1) Necessarily, if God exists, anyone who is (i) not resisting God and (ii) capable of meaningful conscious relationship with Schellenberg’s Defense of Nonresistant Nonbelief / Divine Hiddenness