G&T Rebuttal, Part 3: Chapter 4
Chapter 4. Divine Design G&T provide a brief introduction to what they call ‘the’ Teleological Argument, which they formulate as follows. 1. Every design had a designer. 2. The universe has a highly complex design. 3. Therefore, the universe had a Designer. (95) Like the cosmological argument, this argument is deductively valid. Again, my plan … G&T Rebuttal, Part 3: Chapter 4
How Hugh Ross Calculates the Improbability of Life on Earth due to Chance Alone
As someone who knows a thing or two about probability, I’ve always wanted to dive into the technical details for how proponents of cosmic fine-tuning arguments justify the probability estimates associated with such arguments. Along those lines, I just found this page on Hugh Ross’s Reasons to Believe website: Probability for Life on Earth (APR 2004) Ross … How Hugh Ross Calculates the Improbability of Life on Earth due to Chance Alone