
G&T Rebuttal, Part 3: Chapter 4

Chapter 4. Divine Design G&T provide a brief introduction to what they call ‘the’ Teleological Argument, which they formulate as follows. 1. Every design had a designer. 2. The universe has a highly complex design. 3. Therefore, the universe had a Designer. (95) Like the cosmological argument, this argument is deductively valid. Again, my plan G&T Rebuttal, Part 3: Chapter 4

Christian Apologist: Theists Care About Science but Naturalists Don’t

Christian apologist Wintery Knight has written an unintentionally funny post against naturalists in which he attempts to turn the tables on those who would use science to argue against religion. Linking to an old article which explains how the planet Jupiter deflects comets and asteroids that might otherwise hit Earth, Wintery Knight argues that this shows our Christian Apologist: Theists Care About Science but Naturalists Don’t