Frank Tipler

The Evidential Argument from Biological Evolution, Part 2: Is Evolution Evidence for Theism?

Let’s begin reviewing the logical form of the argument, as described in Part 1 of this series. (1) Evolution is antecedently much more probable on the assumption that naturalism is true than on the assumption that theism is true. (2) The statement that pain and pleasure systematically connected to reproductive success is antecedently much more The Evidential Argument from Biological Evolution, Part 2: Is Evolution Evidence <I>for</I> Theism?

Theists, like Math Students, Need to Show Their Work

In my recent debate with Kevin Vandergriff, Vandergriff argued that biological evolution is evidence for theism. In support, he referred to the probability estimate of evolutionary biologist Francisco Ayala. According to Ayala, it is fantastically improbable that intelligent life on Earth is the result of unguided evolution. Since I have a background in probability theory, I was most interested in Theists, like Math Students, Need to Show Their Work