Erik Wielenberg

LINK: “Ethics and Evolutionary Theory” by Erik J. Wielenberg

I haven’t read this, but I’m posting the link because (1) I respect the author; and (2) I think the topic will of interest to many of our readers. LINK (Note: this article is behind a paywall) Reminder/Disclaimer: Posting links does not necessarily constitute endorsement. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Naturalism, Theism, and Moral Ontology: A Reply to William Lane Craig

(Reposting since this seems to be so popular. So far as I am aware, neither WLC nor anyone else has responded to this.)Abstract: This paper considers William Lane Craig’s metaethical argument for God’s existence. Roughly, the argument is that the existence of objective moral values provides strong evidence for God’s existence. I consider one by one Naturalism, Theism, and Moral Ontology: A Reply to William Lane Craig

An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics and an Example of How Not to Do That

1. An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics You could call this post a sequel to my earlier post, “On Caring about Whether Other People Become Naturalists.” Christian apologist Greg Koukl has released a video arguing that, yes, atheists suppress the truth in unrighteousness. For those of us who are familiar with An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics and an Example of How Not to Do That

Christian Pastor Writes in HuffPo, “There Is No Such Thing as a Good Atheist”

Pastor Rick Henderson wrote en editorial in yesterday’s Huffington Post provocatively titled, “Why There Is No Such Thing as a Good Atheist.” While he does correctly state, “it is true that there is no definitive atheistic worldview,” there is very little else in this article which he gets right. Here’s Pastor Henderson: While it is true that Christian Pastor Writes in HuffPo, “There Is No Such Thing as a Good Atheist”

Naturalism, Theism, and Moral Ontology: A Reply to William Lane Craig

Abstract: This paper considers William Lane Craig’s metaethical argument for God’s existence. Roughly, the argument is that the existence of objective moral values provides strong evidence for God’s existence. I consider one by one Craig’s various reasons in support of the argument’s major premise, namely, that objective moral values and the nonexistence of God are at Naturalism, Theism, and Moral Ontology: A Reply to William Lane Craig

Important New (Advanced but) Must-Read Book on Ethics without God by Erik Wielenberg

Oxford University Press has just published the latest book by Erik Wielenberg, entitled Robust Ethics: The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Godless Normative Realism. Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that I am a big fan of Wielenberg’s work; his previous books include Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe (Cambridge Important New (Advanced but) Must-Read Book on Ethics without God by Erik Wielenberg

Can Atheism Support Ethical Absolutes? A Reply to Roger Olson

Roger Olson, a fellow Patheos blogger who can be found in the Evangelical channel on Patheos, has recently written a post entitled, “Can Atheism Support Ethical Absolutes? Is Ethics without Absolutes Enough?” In that post, he appeals to what has been called “Karamazov’s Thesis,” which is the claim (attributed to Dostoyevsky), that “If God does not exist, Can Atheism Support Ethical Absolutes? A Reply to Roger Olson