
An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics and an Example of How Not to Do That

1. An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics You could call this post a sequel to my earlier post, “On Caring about Whether Other People Become Naturalists.” Christian apologist Greg Koukl has released a video arguing that, yes, atheists suppress the truth in unrighteousness. For those of us who are familiar with An Example of Why Atheists Need to do Effective Counter-Apologetics and an Example of How Not to Do That

Index for Feser-Parsons Exchanges

The purpose of this blog post is simply to provide a convenient index to all of the posts in the planned two series of exchanges between Edward Feser and Keith Parsons. Feser’s contributions will be posted on his blog and Parsons’ contributions will be posted on The Secular Outpost. This post will be updated with links as as they Index for Feser-Parsons Exchanges

Breaking News: WLC Disses Aquinas

During the Q&A period of tonight’s Craig-Carroll debate on God and cosmology, WLC said this (or something very close to it): “Aquinas’ metaphysical principles are just dubious.” Shhhhh… Don’t tell Ed Feser. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)