church-state separation

Why Does the U.S. Congress Have Official Chaplains?

Yesterday the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) sued the U.S. Congress for barring atheist Dan Barker from delivering the invocation. (See here.) I am no attorney — constitutional or otherwise — but it seems to be a blatant violation of the Establishment Clause for Congress to allow Christian invocations, while barring atheist invocations. Why? Because Why Does the U.S. Congress Have Official Chaplains?

A Catholic Blogger Offers a Very Thoughtful Reply to my Question about Prayer and Government

Dr. Gregory Popcak is a fellow Patheos blogger who blogs at “Faith on the Couch” in the Patheos Catholic Channel. He’s written a very thoughtful reply to my previous post, “Question for Theists: Why Is It Important to Begin Governmental Meetings with Prayer?” His reply is titled, “Prayer Works: A Psychological Case for Public Prayer A Catholic Blogger Offers a Very Thoughtful Reply to my Question about Prayer and Government

Patheos Evangelical Blogger Rebecca Florence Miller Stands Up for Atheist Civil Rights

Rebecca Florence Miller, an Evangelical Christian and a fellow Patheos blogger, recently stood up for atheists in a big way on her blog. Here are some notable excerpts: I came away from this conversation challenged that I need to do more to stand up for the rights of atheists (and those of other religions) here Patheos Evangelical Blogger Rebecca Florence Miller Stands Up for Atheist Civil Rights

ACLU Defending Christians

Ed Brayton has written an interesting piece that contains links to several summaries of the ACLU’s efforts to defend the religious freedom of Christians. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Reply to Steve Hays

Steve at Triablogue has a rejoinder to my earlier post on intelligent design and he makes some great points. Just to clarify my position, I am certainly not saying that Dembski is engaging in a sleight of hand by calling ID “science” when he really means “religion.” I definitely give the Discovery Institute the benefit Reply to Steve Hays


Well it’s old news now. Parents have filed a lawsuit against the El Tejon Unified School District because the Frazier Mountain High School in Lebec, California, is slipping an intelligent design course into its curriculum. Entitled “Philosophy of Design,” the district’s attorneys told the school board that “as the course was called ‘philosophy,’ it could