
41,000 Denominations?

Bold Atheism recently tweeted the following meme: #atheist #god #religion #bible #faith #church #atheism #noreligion #religionfree #antireligion #freedomfromreligion #goodwithoutgod #nogod #godless #heathen #nonbeliever #skeptic #secular #humanist #freethinker #think #logic #reason #prayer #sin #atheis… — Bold Atheism (@boldatheism) March 18, 2019 What should we make of this meme? Your name Your email Subject Your 41,000 Denominations?

Is Christianity True? – Part 1: What is Christianity?

I have been producing a series of podcasts on the question “Is Christianity true?”.  So far, four podcasts have been published, and I’m currently working on podcast # 5: The first four podcasts are introductory in nature, but in podcast #5,  I will be shifting gears and will start working on an evaluation of Is Christianity True? – Part 1: What is Christianity?

What is Christianity? Part 16

In his book Naming the Elephant (hereafter: NTE), the Christian apologist James Sire raises various objections against his previous analysis of the concept of a “worldview” that he had presented in his earlier book The Universe Next Door (hereafter: TUND). I have reviewed three of Sire’s objections to his earlier cognitivist analysis of the concept of What is Christianity? Part 16

What is Christianity? Part 15

In his book Naming the Elephant (hereafter: NTE), the Christian apologist James Sire raises various objections against his analysis of the concept of a “worldview” that he had presented in his earlier book The Universe Next Door (hereafter: TUND). I have reviewed three of Sire’s objections to his earlier cognitivist analysis of the concept of a What is Christianity? Part 15

What is Christianity? INDEX

The primary goal of my Ten Year Plan is to evaluate Christianity, to answer the question “Is Christianity true or is it false?” I have started a couple of series of posts related to this project. One series related to the project is called “What is Christianity?”.  Here is a list of the posts in that What is Christianity? INDEX

What is Christianity? Part 9

As Ninian Smart points out, there are secular worldviews as well as religious worldviews.   A religion is a religious worldview as opposed to a secular worldview.  Marxism and Secular Humanism are examples of secular worldviews.  Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam are examples of religions or religious worldviews. Smart, however, asserts that worldviews (both religious What is Christianity? Part 9

What is Christianity? Part 8

I have a cognitivist view of religions, and of Christianity in particular. 1.  Christianity is something that can be true (or false). 2. An experience is NOT something that can be true (or false). 3. A feeling is NOT something that can be true (or false). 4. A commitment is NOT something that can be What is Christianity? Part 8

What is Christianity? Part 6

Evangelical Christians buy T-shirts and bumper stickers that proclaim this slogan: Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ. The problem with this slogan is that a relationship is NOT the sort of thing that can be true (or false): 1. If Christianity is a relationship, then Christianity is true What is Christianity? Part 6

What is Christianity? Part 5

In his book The Universe Next Door (IVP, 3rd edition, 1997; hereafter: TUND), James Sire speaks of worldviews as things that can be true: …I am convinced that for any of us to be fully conscious intellectually we should not only be able to detect the worldviews of others but be aware of our own–why it What is Christianity? Part 5