The Joy of Philosophy (4/4)
My previous 3 posts in this mini-series were: Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 1/2) Heidegger’s Hegelian Phenomenological Method (Part 2/2) Dr. Carlo Alvaro and Dr. Richard Carrier Debate the Kalam Cosmological Argument Philosophy has to do not only with the "what" of ideas, but also "how" philosophy is being done. Moreover, we have to ask why philosophy is being done, because it is unique as a discipline of inquiry in that it must accomplish something for and in the practitioner. Anthropology, by contrast, is indifferent to transforming the human condition of the anthropologist, as is geography for the geographer. Prof John Bagby notes: By Socrates’ analogy, the philosopher must do more than engage in arguments and explanations: there is an attunement of the psyche, the development and influence of which makes or breaks the philosophical viability of all thinking and discourse. Along with thinking, we need a philosophical temperament, tenor and expertise; a spiri ... Read Article
Lamb of the Free (6)
Human blood in the OT defiled rather than purified, and God viewed human sacrifice as false worship. Laying on of hands doesn't imply substitution, as some non atoning sacrifices require laying on hands, while other atoning ones do not. Rillera cites Shauff that it is not the death in the OT that is key to the ritual but what is done by the priest to the slaughtered animal parts afterwards that constitutes the atonement. This is not addressed by Hillera yet but may begin to make sense that Paul, the great advocate of the cross seemed to hold contradictory stances of  "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2)." VS "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins. (1 Cor 15:17)." Vegetable and grain burnt offerings can also be considered sacrifices in the OT. ... Read Article
Lamb of the Free (5)
So, as I said, there may in fact be a problem of applying Old Testament animal substitutionary logic to Jesus. In fact, our author Andrew Remington Rillera points out there is no such animal substitution sacrifice logic in the Old Testament, such as an animal sacrificed to substitute for someone charged with capital offence. The result, we may need to rethink the sacrificial imagery in the NT. ... Read Article
Lamb of the Free (4)
Rillera is going to argue 4 theses regarding OT sacrifice as not being substitutionary. He outlines these as follows: ( 1 ) There is no such thing as a “ substitutionary death " sacrifice in the Torah . ( 2 ) The hand - laying ritual is not saying " this is me ; this is my substitute , " but rather , " this is mine ; I own this and I'm giving it to God [ for various distinct purposes ] . " ( 3 ) Sacrificial slaughter is itself not focused on the biological death of the animal . Sacrificial slaughter is separated from any notion of simply being a “ death ” and it is explicitly reconceptualized via specific ritual actions as something other than a killing of a blood - bearing creature . ( 4 ) Sacrificial slaughter is not at all about making the animal " suffer ” ( let alone suffer as a substitute ) . (30-31) So, as we go along we'll see the arguments put forth to defend these theses. ... Read Article
(3) Lamb of the Free
Rillera provides some helpful foreshadowing of what we will see in the book: But Tyndale then used the noun “ atonement , ” and the verb form " to atone , " to translate the Hebrew root word k - p - r in the Torah ( Genesis - Deuteronomy ) . But this already makes theological assumptions about the function of Israel's sacrificial system that Hebrew Bible scholars almost unanimously have demonstrated to be misunderstandings , as will be developed in the next chapter . For a quick teaser : In the piel form , kipper means " remove " most broadly , but when used in the sacrificial system it more specifically conveys the idea of “ decontaminate ” or “ purify " or “ purge ” ( i.e. , removing a contamination clinging to something ) . Hence , kipper does not mean “ reconcile , ” nor “ save , ” nor " forgive . " Equally importantly , only holy objects within the sacred dwelling place , or later the temple , receive the ritual action of kipper . In other words , when kipper happens , what is ... Read Article
(2) Lamb of the Free
From Campbell's preface to Rillera's book we read regarding sacrifice: The set of equations at the heart of the PSA model is , quite simply , untrue . The practice and logic of OT sacrifice has nothing to do with substitution , retribution , or punishment ( i.e. , negative retribution ) . Neither is it supplying a universal account of justice . The mechanism , logic , and concerns of OT sacrifice are completely different . (16) Hopefully this book will go to the heart of what many believe to be the core of the Christian faith, penal substitution atonement (that Christ died to pay the sin debt we owe), refuting them, and also that secular readings of Christian origins based on PSA such as the Christ Myth Theory are demonstrably false. ... Read Article
Lamb of the Free: Recovering the Varied Sacrificial Understandings of Jesus’s Death By Andrew Remington Rillera · 2024 (Intro)
I'll be reviewing Rillera's Lamb of the Free which is trending right now as a critique and alternative to the substitutionary atonement interpretation of Jesus's death (that Jesus suffered the death we deserved). Here is the blurb from the publisher: Lamb of the Free analyzes the different sacrificial imagery applied to Jesus in the NT in light of the facts that (a) there is no such thing as substitutionary death sacrifice in the Torah--neither death nor suffering nor punishment of the animal has any place in the sacrificial system--and (b) there are both atoning and non-atoning sacrifices. Surprisingly, the earliest and most common sacrifices associated with Jesus's death are the non-atoning ones. Nevertheless, when considering the whole NT, Jesus is said to accomplish all the benefits of the entire Levitical system, from both atoning and non-atoning sacrifices and purification. Moreover, all sacrificial interpretations of Jesus's death in the NT operate within the paradigm of participation, which ... Read Article
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: INDEX
In Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli claim to prove the Christian view that God raised Jesus from the dead and gave Jesus an immortal body. Their case for the resurrection of Jesus can be briefly summarized in a two-premise argument: 1. IF Kreeft and Tacelli refuted the four alternative (skeptical) theories, THEN Kreeft and Tacelli have proved that the Christian Theory of the resurrection of Jesus is true. 2. Kreeft and Tacelli refuted (in Chapter 8 of HCA) the four alternative (skeptical) theories. THEREFORE: 3. Kreeft and Tacelli have proved that the Christian Theory of the resurrection of Jesus is true. Both premises are FALSE, so this argument is UNSOUND, and thus their case for the resurrection of Jesus FAILS. One reason why premise (2) is FALSE, is that Kreeft and Tacelli FAILED to refute the Swoon Theory, which was one of the four skeptical theories that they had attempted to refute. They also FAILED to refute the three othe ... Read Article
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #8 (Where Did Jesus Go?)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an argument, so having the knowledge, skills, and desire to do careful argument analysis is crucial to being a critical thinker. I have carefully evaluated nine objections against the Swoon Theory, objections put forward by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics. I arrived at the conclusion that all nine objections FAIL, and thus that their case against the Swoon Theory FAILS, and their case for the resurrection of Jesus FAILS. But in order to be in a position to do this, I had to first do a careful argument analysis of each objection (each objection constitutes an argument against the Swoon Theory). In this post I will walk through my proces ... Read Article
The Sins of Highly Effective People
(via Have you ever wondered why brilliant people can also hold some pretty bizarre beliefs? Part of the reason is the mis-idea of intelligence in general, for instance if someone is a brilliant painter they will also be a genius at sculpture. But, another reason is that creative people see the forest despite the trees and can find connections where others only see randomness. One of the varieties of schizophrenia is this connection disorder where beings presence in a conspiratorial manner for them. ... Read Article
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #1 (Deadliness of Roman Crucifixion)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an argument, so having the knowledge, skills, and desire to do careful argument analysis is crucial to being a critical thinker. I have carefully evaluated nine objections against the Swoon Theory, objections put forward by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics. I arrived at the conclusion that all nine objections FAIL, and thus that their case against the Swoon Theory FAILS, and their case for the resurrection of Jesus FAILS. But in order to be in a position to do this, I had to first do a careful argument analysis of each objection (each objection constitutes an argument against the Swoon Theory). In this post I will walk through my proce ... Read Article
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #9 (Swoon Theory Implies False Theories)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an argument, so having the knowledge, skills, and desire to do careful argument analysis is crucial to being a critical thinker. I have carefully evaluated nine objections against the Swoon Theory, objections put forward by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics. I arrived at the conclusion that all nine objections FAIL, and thus that their case against the Swoon Theory FAILS, and their case for the resurrection of Jesus FAILS. But in order to be in a position to do this, I had to first do a careful argument analysis of each objection (each objection constitutes an argument against the Swoon Theory). In this post I will walk through my proce ... Read Article
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #7 (Who Moved the Stone?)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an argument, so having the knowledge, skills, and desire to do careful argument analysis is crucial to being a critical thinker. I have carefully evaluated nine objections against the Swoon Theory, objections put forward by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics. I arrived at the conclusion that all nine objections FAIL, and thus that their case against the Swoon Theory FAILS, and their case for the resurrection of Jesus FAILS. But in order to be in a position to do this, I had to first do a careful argument analysis of each objection (each objection constitutes an argument against the Swoon Theory). In this post I will walk through my proce ... Read Article
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #6 (Who Overpowered the Guards?)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an argument, so having the knowledge, skills, and desire to do careful argument analysis is crucial to being a critical thinker. I have carefully evaluated nine objections against the Swoon Theory, objections put forward by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics. I arrived at the conclusion that all nine objections FAIL, and thus that their case against the Swoon Theory FAILS, and their case for the resurrection of Jesus FAILS. But in order to be in a position to do this, I had to first do a careful argument analysis of each objection (each objection constitutes an argument against the Swoon Theory). In this post I will walk through my proce ... Read Article
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #5 (The Sickly Jesus Objection)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an argument, so having the knowledge, skills, and desire to do careful argument analysis is crucial to being a critical thinker. I have carefully evaluated nine objections against the Swoon Theory, objections put forward by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics. I arrived at the conclusion that all nine objections FAIL, and thus that their case against the Swoon Theory FAILS, and their case for the resurrection of Jesus FAILS. But in order to be in a position to do this, I had to first do a careful argument analysis of each objection (each objection constitutes an argument against the Swoon Theory). In this post I will walk through my proce ... Read Article