
But Why Did Trump Abandon Evangelicals on the Reproductive Rights Issue?

In a previous post I noted Trump abandoned conservative evangelicals on the abortion issue. Clearly, he is hoping they are not one-issue voters, and certainly conservative evangelicals are going to vote Republican regardless, but why did Trump make this move? And the other day, he also positioned himself as the IVF support candidate. New polling But Why Did Trump Abandon Evangelicals on the Reproductive Rights Issue?

Trump and Soldiers

Yesterday I talked about Trump basically throwing his anti-abortion evangelical supporters under the bust by proposing a reproductive rights platform, obviously hoping to appeal to a wider moderate base while still maintaining as many evangelicals as possible who are not one-issue voters. Today, Trump did the same thing with the military. Trump has long been Trump and Soldiers

Trans Women and Sports

See Article The solution seems straightforward enough. Create another division where trans women can compete against other trans women. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Trump and Philippians

The idea of the Philippian Christ poetry is Jesus left his high place to suffer for us. Evangelical Christians are framing Trump according to the same narrative: Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)