Did Jesus Exit? – Part 3
If Jesus did not EXIST, then Jesus did not EXIT this life by dying on a cross in Jerusalem. If Jesus did not die on a cross in Jerusalem, then Jesus did not rise from the dead. So, this question of whether Jesus existed has a direct logical connection to the question of whether Jesus … Did Jesus Exit? – Part 3
Did Jesus Exit? – Part 2
Author: Bart D. Ehrman Publisher: HarperCollins Copyright: 2012. Full Title: Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth Contents: Introduction (p.1-7) Part I: Evidence for the Historical Jesus (p.11-174) Chapters 1-5 Part II: The Mythicists’ Claims (p.177-264) Chapters 6 & 7 Part III: Who Was the Historical Jesus? (p.267-339) Chapters 8 & 9, … Did Jesus Exit? – Part 2
Did Jesus Exit? – Part 1
Let me lay my prejudices out on the table, before I get into the pros and cons about Bart Ehrman’s case for Jesus being an actual historical person. My current opinion is that it is very likely that Jesus existed, but I don’t think that anything about Jesus is certain, so I would allow for … Did Jesus Exit? – Part 1
Why God did not raise Jesus from the Dead
The evidence for the claim that Jesus was alive and walking around on the first Easter Sunday is weak. Overall, the evidence indicates that the first post-crucifixion appearances of Jesus probably occurred in Galilee several days after, perhaps several weeks after, the crucifixion of Jesus. Although there probably were some sort of ‘resurrection’ experiences or … Why God did not raise Jesus from the Dead
Video of Licona-Cavin Debate on the Resurrection of Jesus
Here is the video of Licona-Cavin debate on the resurrection of Jesus. (HT: Wes)***video deleted***I hope to blog about this debate in detail in the future. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
MUST READ: Greg Cavin’s Case Against the Resurrection of Jesus
Greg Cavin has graciously allowed me to publish a PDF version of his slides from his debate with Michael Licona on the resurrection of Jesus. For anyone interested in arguments for or against the resurrection of Jesus, these slides are an absolute must read. In my opinion, they constitute a major contribution to the ongoing … MUST READ: Greg Cavin’s Case Against the Resurrection of Jesus
Thomas Paine on the Immorality of the (Alleged) Virgin Birth
The story, taking it as it is told, is blasphemously obscene. It gives an account of a young woman engaged to be married, and while under this engagement she is, to speak plain language, debauched by a ghost, under the impious pretense (Luke, chap. I., ver. 35), that “the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, … Thomas Paine on the Immorality of the (Alleged) Virgin Birth
Empty Defense of an Empty Tomb: A Reply to Anne A. Kim’s Misunderstandings
I finished this essay many years ago, but due to my hiatus never got around to publishing it until now. It will be announced on the Secular Web’s “What’s New?” page very soon. It can be accessed immediately by using the link below, however.Abstract: William Lane Craig has argued for the historicity of Jesus’ empty … Empty Defense of an Empty Tomb: A Reply to Anne A. Kim’s Misunderstandings
William Lane Craig on the Prior Probability of the Resurrection
Prior to examining the specific evidence for and against Jesus’ resurrection, how probable is it that God raised Jesus from the dead? According to many Christian apologists, the answer is “not low” — at least, the answer is “not low” for theists. Are they right? For example, here is William Lane Craig: Dr. Ehrman just … William Lane Craig on the Prior Probability of the Resurrection
William Lane Craig’s Critique of Bart Ehrman on the Probability of Miracles
As the saying goes, I have to “call ’em as I see ’em.” I just read, for the first time, the transcript of William Lane Craig’s debate with Bart Ehrman. I read, with great interest, Craig’s first rebuttal, where he makes extensive use of Bayes’s Theorem (BT) to critique two of Ehrman’s statements. Those two … William Lane Craig’s Critique of Bart Ehrman on the Probability of Miracles