
Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 4: Skepticism about the Supernatural

SKEPTICAL CLAIMS ABOUT SUPERNATURAL BELIEFS Two points from my List of Key Points about the resurrection relate directly to skepticism about the supernatural: 1. Nobody KNOWS that supernatural beings exist. 2. Nobody KNOWS that supernatural events occur. There are two more related points that should be added to the above two points: 21. Nobody KNOWS Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 4: Skepticism about the Supernatural

Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 3: Improbability of the Resurrection

IMPROBABILITY Some Christians believe that it is certain that God raised Jesus from the dead; other Christians believe that it is very probable but not certain that God raised Jesus from the dead.  Some people believe that it is probable but not very probable that God raised Jesus from the dead. Some skeptics believe that it Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 3: Improbability of the Resurrection

Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 2: Skepticism about the Resurrection

SKEPTICISM Skepticism is the denial of knowledge.  Universal skepticism denies the possibility of any kind of knowledge, or the actual existence of any kind of knowledge.  Qualified forms of skepticism deny the possibility of knowledge in particular areas, or the actual existence of knowledge in particular areas, such as religious knowledge or knowledge of the Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 2: Skepticism about the Resurrection

Link: Matthew Ferguson on “Understanding the Spirit vs. the Letter of Probability”

A while back, I wrote a brief commentary on William Lane Craig’s critique of Bart Ehrman on the probability of miracles. Matthew Ferguson recently weighed in. He agrees with my conclusions, but greatly amplified them by writing an entire essay expounding on supporting points. I highly recommend his essay to anyone interested in the topic Link: Matthew Ferguson on “Understanding the Spirit vs. the Letter of Probability”

One Christian Worldview? Part 4: Evangelical Denominations

Catholics constituted 20.8% of the adult population in the USA (in 2014, see the Religious Landscape Study), and Christians who belong to Evangelical Protestant denominations constituted 25.4% of the adult population in the USA (in 2014).  So, if we combine Catholics and Evangelicals, they constituted 46.2% of the adult population in the USA (in 2014). One Christian Worldview? Part 4: Evangelical Denominations

The Homeopathic Christ Problem

(A mostly silly puzzle about Holy Communion) The Christian sacrament of Communion can be viewed according to two main competing theoretical perspectives. The first can be called the “symbolic presence” account, according to which the bread and wine are nothing more than symbolic representations of the body and blood of Jesus. On this view, to The Homeopathic Christ Problem

Did Jesus Die on the Cross? Part 2: Finishing Off Geisler’s Case

It is springtime! The sky is blue, and the sun is shining again here in the great and green Northwest. Every year Easter brings life back into me.  I feel born again, inspired and energized to once again attack the beast (i.e. Christianity/religion/superstition).  I might be tilting at a windmill, but I’m delighted to be back Did Jesus Die on the Cross? Part 2: Finishing Off Geisler’s Case