society & culture

One Christian Worldview? Part 4: Evangelical Denominations

Catholics constituted 20.8% of the adult population in the USA (in 2014, see the Religious Landscape Study), and Christians who belong to Evangelical Protestant denominations constituted 25.4% of the adult population in the USA (in 2014).  So, if we combine Catholics and Evangelicals, they constituted 46.2% of the adult population in the USA (in 2014). One Christian Worldview? Part 4: Evangelical Denominations

Podcast 4: Is There Just One Christian Worldview or Many?

I have also made a podcast on this subject: Podcast 4: Is There Just One Christian Worldview or Many? There is a PowerPoint (in a PDF) available with the content of the podcast: PowerPoint for Podcast 4 My previous podcasts are available here: Thinking Critically About: Is Christianity True?

Unapologetic Review – Part 10: Evaluation of Reason #9

REVIEW OF ANALYSIS OF REASON #9 In Part 9 of this series, I asserted that  the main argument in  Unapologetic is Reason #9, and I argued that Reason #9 invoved the following assumptions: 5. ANY claim that is based on faith cannot be reasonably defended. 6. Philosophers ought NOT recognize and participate in an alleged sub-discipline of philosophy that Unapologetic Review – Part 10: Evaluation of Reason #9

Unapologetic Review – Part 7: Two Definitions of “Faith”

The Two Main Definitions of “Faith” in Unapologetic There are seven short statements in Unapologetic that appear to be definitions of the word “faith”.  The definition given in Chapter 1 (p.37) is an incomplete version of the definition given in Chapter 2.  The definition given in Chapter 2 is clear and worthy of serious consideration: Unapologetic Review – Part 7: Two Definitions of “Faith”