society & culture

He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 2: Jesus Supported Women’s Equality?

There is a BILLION DOLLAR ad campaign going on now called “He Gets Us” (hereafter: HGU). The campaign is promoting Jesus and Christianity. Like most advertising campaigns, and like most efforts to promote the Christian religion, this effort has produced a large helping of BULLSHIT. So, I’m doing what I can to point a spotlight He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 2: Jesus Supported Women’s Equality?

Off Topic: Science and COVID-19

I just read an editorial in Newsweek by a SHITHEAD named Kevin Bass who is attempting to promote skepticism about the mainstream science on COVID-19. Since Bass is a complete IDIOT, I will not waste much time or energy on his pathetic editorial. In the opening paragraphs, Bass makes SHOCKING and JAW-DROPPING claims: As a Off Topic: Science and COVID-19

How the Suffering and Death of Billions and Billions of Kids Completely Disproves the Existence of a Good and Loving God – Including Wrecking Free Will Theodicy in the Process

This essay is in association with the June 2022 Biblical Studies Carnival you can check out at Just the Stat’s Ma’am I first got a hint of the facts that — as screamingly obvious as they are have gone shockingly ignored — refute the premise presented in the Bible and other scriptures that there How the Suffering and Death of Billions and Billions of Kids Completely Disproves the Existence of a Good and Loving God – Including Wrecking Free Will Theodicy in the Process

The Forced Birth Movement Hates Real Religious Liberty – How to Use That Against Them by Making Abortion a Religious (And Medical) Right

It has not worked. The prochoice movement opposed by the religious right has been making an enormous mistake. We know that because it is experiencing disaster. That when a solid majority of Americans favor abortion rights Roe v Wade included. It is all too clear that what it has been done in support of women The Forced Birth Movement Hates Real Religious Liberty – How to Use That Against Them by Making Abortion a Religious (And Medical) Right

Theocancel Culture — Discrimination by Neglect: The Chronic News and Opinion Media Bigotry Against Atheists

Theists Get All the Breaks – Really, They Do Conservative LOVE to go on and on and on complaining about Cancel Culture, about how the secular lefties are suppressing the free speech rights of those of the right on campuses, denouncing right wing nonacceptance of LGTBQ rights as bigotry, demanding to dismantle Confederate monuments and Theocancel Culture — Discrimination by Neglect: The Chronic News and Opinion Media Bigotry Against Atheists

The Forced Birth Movement Hates Real Religious Liberty – How to Use That Against Them by Making Abortion a Religious Right; Part 2

(Be sure to read Part 1 before starting this half) The Rape Nonexception Factor This is a good place to further explore the callous indifference of the hard right to rape that has a yet again naïve center-left wondering what is going on. In their twisted logic a woman who is truly Godly and virtuous The Forced Birth Movement Hates Real Religious Liberty – How to Use That Against Them by Making Abortion a Religious Right; Part 2

The Forced Birth Movement Hates Real Religious Liberty – How to Use That Against Them by Making Abortion a Religious Right; Part 1

(This being a big subject that has been largely ignored it needs a lot of explanation, the essay is split into two parts. Part 2 will be posted tomorrow) It has not worked. The pro-choice movement opposed by the religious right has been making an enormous mistake. We know that because it is facing disaster. The Forced Birth Movement Hates Real Religious Liberty – How to Use That Against Them by Making Abortion a Religious Right; Part 1

Discrimination by Neglect: The Chronic News and Opinion Media Bigotry Against Atheists

Discrimination by Neglect: The Chronic News and Opinion Media Bigotry Against Atheists Theists Get All the Breaks – Really, They Do There is currently, in these United States, a form of casual and pernicious bigotry that continues to be directed against the fastest growing portion of the population. It is the big bigotry that hardly Discrimination by Neglect: The Chronic News and Opinion Media Bigotry Against Atheists

Evidence that Doesn’t Demand a Verdict

I am a left-wing atheist who hates Donald Trump and who is disgusted with every White Evangelical Christian SHITHEAD who supports Trump and his evil racist, sexist, anti-immigrant basket-of-deplorables. I spend much of my time critically examining the arguments of Evangelical Christian apologists like Norman Geisler, Peter Kreeft, and Josh McDowell.  I have come to Evidence that Doesn’t Demand a Verdict