
Baudrillard and pseudoprofundity

Here is a quote from Baudrillard that Prof Paul Taylor chose for the Radio 3 programme we recorded to be broadcast tonite at 10pm (I am talking about pseudo-profundity and bullshit and pointing a finger at some post-modern thinkers – listen here for a week [I am on from about 14mins30]): For ethnology to live, Baudrillard and pseudoprofundity

Religious Belief Systems of Persons with High Functioning Autism

Abstract: The cognitive science of religion is a new field which explains religious belief as emerging from normal cognitive processes such as inferring others’ mental states, agency detection and imposing patterns on noise. This paper investigates the proposal that individual differences in belief will reflect cognitive processing styles, with high functioning autism being an extreme Religious Belief Systems of Persons with High Functioning Autism

Prosblogion: Physicist Sean Carroll on God and Modern Physics

Kenny Pearce at Prosblogion comments on Sean Carroll’s essay, “Does the Universe Need God?“, which we linked to a couple of days ago. The article is a model of constructive dialog between philosophy and physics. Carroll shows engagement with the major philosophical arguments under discussion, and does not come off as condescending or dismissive. He Prosblogion: Physicist Sean Carroll on God and Modern Physics

Sean Carroll: Does the Universe Need God?

That is the title of Carroll’s essay in The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Carroll argues that cosmology doesn’t require or support theological hypotheses. An online copy is available at the blog, What There Is and Why There Is Anything. LINK Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

“God Particle” Discovery Means Woes for Atheists?

Check this out: According to some Tweeters, the recent (probable) discovery of the Higgs Boson (unfortunately tagged “The God Particle” by physicist Leon Lederman) has some people once again writing obituaries for atheism. Of course, it seems unlikely that these particular individuals have advanced degrees in physics, philosophy, or theology, so their pronouncements should “God Particle” Discovery Means Woes for Atheists?