
Ralph Reed Tries to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes

================================ NOTE: This post was contributed by Gregory S. Paul, who is an occasional contributor to Free Inquiry, and who published an important article called “Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies”.  Here is how Michael Shermer summarized that article: Is religion a necessary component of social health? Ralph Reed Tries to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes

Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 1: Outline of My Reasons for Doubt

Recently, I posted a meme on my personal Facebook page that challenged the Christian argument that sex between two men is morally wrong because this is allegedly prohibited in the Old Testament book called Leviticus.The basic objection in the meme is that there are several things that Leviticus prohibits that Christians seem to have no Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 1: Outline of My Reasons for Doubt

Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 5: Pro-Life Hypocrisy

Before Moses and the nation of Israel reached the Jordan river, Jehovah was busy revealing himself to be a SELFISH JERK and a cruel and bloodthirsty tyrant.  The attempt to justify and excuse Jehovah’s command to MERCILESSLY SLAUGHTER thousands of Canaanites, including civilians, including elderly men and women, mothers and fathers, teenage boys and girls, Was Joshua’s Slaughter of the Canaanites Morally Justified? Part 5: Pro-Life Hypocrisy

Does God Exist? Part 3: Believe Whatever Makes You Happy

In my humble opinion, the question “Does God exist?” is best answered by taking a particular approach: We should answer this question by means of philosophical investigation, especially by critical examination of philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God. However, this is NOT the only way to approach the question “Does God exist?”.  Here Does God Exist? Part 3: Believe Whatever Makes You Happy

Does God Exist? Part 2: Believe What You Were Raised to Believe

In my humble opinion, the question “Does God exist?” is best answered by taking a particular approach: We should answer this question by means of philosophical investigation, especially by critical examination of philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God. However, this is NOT the only way to approach the question “Does God exist?”.  Here Does God Exist? Part 2: Believe What You Were Raised to Believe