CNN: Election results raise questions about Christian right’s influence
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Atheistic Objections to FFRF’s Winter Solstice Banner
Ophelia Benson blogs about FFRF’s request for an “equal time” display of a “Winter Solstice banner” at a courthouse in Texas. Here is the text of the banner, which I believe is the same text the FFRF has been using on banners and other displays for at least 15 years. “At this Season of the … Atheistic Objections to FFRF’s Winter Solstice Banner
Secular News Daily: Texas Symposium on theism and public policy
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Catholic Bishop Calls for Blasphemy Laws
Stories like this make me very glad to be an American and to have the Bill of Rights. Sheesh! LINK (HT: Ophelia Benson) Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
Evangelical Leaders Echo Obama, say U.S. not a Christian Nation
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Wintery Knight’s Secular Case Against Same-Sex Marriage
WinteryKnight has developed what he calls a “secular case against same-sex marriage.” This post is addressed to the nontheists in the audience: do you think his case works? More importantly, why or why not? Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
My New Political Blog
I try not to get involved in politics much, because it takes precious time away from thinking about issues in philosophy of religion and ethics, which are my favorite areas of thought (plus I have more educational background in those areas).However, the Citizens United decision of the US Supreme Court is a frontal assault on … My New Political Blog
Imagine atheist politicians
As an atheist, I just about always vote for political candidates who say they believe in God. Not because I’m impressed by their professed god beliefs, but because I have no other choice—unless I cast a write-in vote. Of course, in reality atheist politicians have received hundreds of thousands of votes, though their constituents likely … Imagine atheist politicians