
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #5 (The Sickly Jesus Objection)

WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #5 (The Sickly Jesus Objection)

Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #4 (Winding Sheets and Entombment)

WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #4 (Winding Sheets and Entombment)

Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #3 (Blood and Water)

WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #3 (Blood and Water)

Careful Analysis of Objections Against the Swoon Theory: Objection #2 (Break Their Legs)

WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an Careful Analysis of Objections Against the Swoon Theory: Objection #2 (Break Their Legs)

Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 42: Premise (B) of Objection #8

WHERE WE ARE Although Objection #8 (Where Did Jesus Go?) as presented by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA) was DEAD ON ARRIVAL because of the embarrassing blunder that a key premise of their argument was obviously FALSE, we have revised and improved that premise so that it Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 42: Premise (B) of Objection #8

Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 41: Repairing a Key Premise of Objection #8

WHERE WE ARE We are in the process of analyzing and evaluating Objection #8 (Where Did Jesus Go?) by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli against the Swoon Theory, from their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA). This is the final objection against the Swoon Theory by Kreeft and Tacelli that I will be critically examining. Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 41: Repairing a Key Premise of Objection #8

Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 40: A Key Premise of Objection #8

OBJECTION #8 (WHERE DID JESUS GO?) Here is Objection #8 (Where Did Jesus Go?) against the Swoon Theory as presented by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (HCA): If Jesus awoke from a swoon, where did he go? Think this through: you have a living body to deal with now, not a Kreeft’s Case Against the Swoon Theory – Part 40: A Key Premise of Objection #8

21st Century Christian Apologists on the Swoon Theory – Part 5: Conclusions

WHERE WE ARE In this series, I have been reviewing objections to the Swoon Theory found in four books published by Christian apologists in the 21st century. I am trying to determine how many of these objections correspond to the nine objections against the Swoon Theory raised by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (published in 21st Century Christian Apologists on the Swoon Theory – Part 5: Conclusions

Christian Apologists are UNCLEAR about the Swoon Theory – Part 2: More Definitions

WHERE WE ARE In the first post of this series, I showed that the definition of “swoon theory” implied by the Christian apologists Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (1994) was WRONG because it was too simple and too broad. I also showed that the definition of “swoon theory” implied Christian Apologists are UNCLEAR about the Swoon Theory – Part 2: More Definitions