
The Evidential Argument from Biological Evolution, Part 2: Is Evolution Evidence for Theism?

Let’s begin reviewing the logical form of the argument, as described in Part 1 of this series. (1) Evolution is antecedently much more probable on the assumption that naturalism is true than on the assumption that theism is true. (2) The statement that pain and pleasure systematically connected to reproductive success is antecedently much more The Evidential Argument from Biological Evolution, Part 2: Is Evolution Evidence <I>for</I> Theism?

Lowder-Vandergriff Debate on God’s Existence Now Out!

I’m pleased to announce that my debate on God’s existence with Mr. Kevin Vandergriff is now out! Here are the options for accessing the debate. Topic and Format The topic and format for our debate was as follows. Topic: Naturalism vs. Christian Theism: Where Does the Evidence Point? Format:  Mr. Lowder’s Opening Statement: 20 minutes Mr. Vandergriff’s Lowder-Vandergriff Debate on God’s Existence Now Out!