Stenger on Zero Total Energy as Evidence for Atheism
I do not have a physics background, so I am posting this in case someone who does can clarify this for me. In his book, God: The Failed Hypothesis, physicist Victor Stenger argues that the fact that the universe began from a state of zero energy is evidence for God’s nonexistence. On page 116, he … Stenger on Zero Total Energy as Evidence for Atheism
LINK: Anthony Aguirre on the Multiverse Hypothesis
Anthony Aguirre is a physicist at UC Santa Cruz. He wrote a paper in 1995 on the multiverse hypothesis. Here is the paper’s abstract: The notion that there are many “universes” with different properties is one answer to the question of “why is the universe so hospitable to life?” This notion also naturally follows from … LINK: Anthony Aguirre on the Multiverse Hypothesis
Sophisticated Critique of Many Worlds Explanation of Fine-Tuning
The following essay was recommended to me by Paul Draper. The paper is not a defense of the fine-tuning argument, but he regards it as one of the best critiques of the many worlds explanation of fine-tuning: Roger White, “Fine-tuning and Multiple Universes,” forthcoming in Nousftmu.pdf (PDF) Here is some info about the author: ROGER … Sophisticated Critique of Many Worlds Explanation of Fine-Tuning