Adamson’s Cru[de] Arguments for God – Part 2
If you are meeting someone for the first time, it is a good idea to put your best foot forward, to be polite, kind, positive, and friendly. If you are trying to persuade someone to take the idea that there is a God seriously, it would be a good idea to put your best foot … Adamson’s Cru[de] Arguments for God – Part 2
Why (Almost All) Cosmologists are Atheists
(redated post originally published on 1 May 2006) Thanks to Keith Augustine for pointing this out to me: Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
G&T Rebuttal, Part 2: Chapter 3
Chapter 3. In the Beginning There Was a Great SURGE G&T tell us that the “Cosmological Argument is the argument from the beginning of the universe” (74). That is sloppy; G&T have conflated the family of arguments known as ‘the’ cosmological argument with one specific version of that argument (the kalām cosmological argument). But let … G&T Rebuttal, Part 2: Chapter 3
Link: Why Science Cannot Explain Why Anything At All Exists by Luke Barnes
Physicist and cosmologist Luke Barnes wrote an interesting post in his blog a while ago about why science cannot explain why anything at all exists. I’m inclined to agree with him. Here is how he summarizes his own argument in his own words. A: The state of physics at any time can be (roughly) summarised by … Link: Why Science Cannot Explain Why Anything At All Exists by Luke Barnes
One Problem with Swinburne’s Case for God – Part 2
In a previous post I pointed out three different problems related to the third argument in Richard Swinburne’s systematic case for the existence of God. The third argument is the final argument of his arguments from the nature of the universe. It is his Teleological Argument from Spatial Order (hereafter: TASO):(e3) There is a complex physical … One Problem with Swinburne’s Case for God – Part 2
One Problem with Swinburne’s Case for God
In The Existence of God (2nd edition, hereafter: EOG), Richard Swinburne lays out a systematic cumulative case for the claim that it is more likely than not that God exists. I have a specific objection to the third argument in this case, but I believe this objection throws a monkey wrench into the works, and … One Problem with Swinburne’s Case for God
The Carrier-Barnes Exchange on Fine-Tuning
Reader GGDFan77 asked me for my thoughts on the exchange between Dr. Richard Carrier, who I respect and consider a friend, and Dr. Luke Barnes regarding fine-tuning arguments. I initially responded in a series of comments in the combox for my post about Hugh Ross’s estimates for the probability of life-permitting prebiotic conditions. But those … The Carrier-Barnes Exchange on Fine-Tuning
WLC’s Debate Quotation of Anthony Kenny
Here is WLC’s quotation of Kenny: A proponent of the Big Bang Theory, at least if he is an atheist, must believe that the universe came from nothing and by nothing. And here is a critique: LINK Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)
Interesting Blog Post about a Multiverse
“Where Are We in the Multiverse?” (@ Why There is and Why There Is Anything) Here’s the first paragraph: There are two avenues from modern physics to the belief that the universe we see around us is not all there is, but is instead one of infinitely many like it. The first is inflationary cosmology; … Interesting Blog Post about a Multiverse
New Scientific Evidence for the Multiverse
I have always been a multiverse skeptic. If this article in New Scientist is accurate, however, it appears the recent confirmation of chaotic inflation also provided some evidence for a multiverse. LINK (HT: Ex-Apologist) Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)