benefits of religion

Religiousness in TIME and SPACE

Many people believe that religion makes people morally good, happy, and mentally healthy, but I’m not so sure. Obviously, there are some very good, very happy, and mentally healthy atheists and non-religious people, and there are also some very bad, very miserable, and seriously mentally ill religious people. The same can be said of Christians Religiousness in TIME and SPACE

Skepticism about Religion – Part 4: Religion and Virtue

========================= II. There are good reasons to be SKEPTICAL about religion and religious beliefs. A. Religion is NOT the key to Happiness and Virtue. 1. Religion is NOT the key to Happiness. 2. Religion is NOT the key to Virtue. ======================== An Obvious Failure of Religion to Promote Virtue Many Catholic priests have sexually abused Skepticism about Religion – Part 4: Religion and Virtue

Skepticism about Religion – Part 3: More Caveats and Qualifications

========================= II. There are good reasons to be SKEPTICAL about religion and religious beliefs. A. Religion is NOT the key to Happiness and Virtue. 1. Religion is NOT the key to Happiness. 2. Religion is NOT the key to Virtue. ======================== MORE CAVEATS & QUALIFICATIONS ABOUT THE CORRELATION BETWEEN RELIGION & HAPPINESS 5. When a Skepticism about Religion – Part 3: More Caveats and Qualifications

Skepticism about Religion – Part 2: Caveats and Qualifications

DOES RELIGION HAVE A POSITIVE CORRELATION WITH HAPPINESS? There are many empirical studies that appear to show that religion has a positive correlation with happiness.  However, there are a number of important caveats and qualifications that need to be taken into consideration here: 1. Viewed in geographic terms, religion has a NEGATIVE correlation with happiness. Skepticism about Religion – Part 2: Caveats and Qualifications

A Case for Atheism: Skepticism about Religion – Part 1

II. There are good reasons to be SKEPTICAL about religion and religious beliefs. A. Religion is NOT the key to Happiness and Virtue. ============================== RELIGION AND HAPPINESS Religion or religious belief is often thought to be the key to happiness, and religion is often promoted as being the key to happiness. On the Christian website A Case for Atheism: Skepticism about Religion – Part 1

A Simple and Obvious Explanation

Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Scandal: 7 Excerpts From the Grand Jury Report A nearly 900-page report investigating abuse in six dioceses over a period of 70 years documents more than 300 abusive priests. ============================= How can God allow priests and bishops to sexually abuse thousands of children for decades, and allow them to work at A Simple and Obvious Explanation