atheism & naturalism

The Logic of Miracles

Most people who want to criticize or attack an argument, will attack a PREMISE of the argument as being FALSE or  questionable.  When it comes to criticizing the arguments of Christian apologists, skeptics and atheists also tend to attack premises of such arguments as being false or questionable.  This is especially true when it comes The Logic of Miracles

Skepticism about Religion – Part 6: Cultural Bias and Social Conditioning

========================= II. There are good reasons to be SKEPTICAL about religion and religious beliefs. A. Religion is NOT the key to Happiness and Virtue, contrary to common belief. B. Significant Disagreements exist Between Different Religions. C. Religious Beliefs are Typically Based on Cultural Bias and Social Conditioning. ======================== Religious Beliefs Are Associated with Geographical Locations Skepticism about Religion – Part 6: Cultural Bias and Social Conditioning

Skepticism about Religion – Part 5: Disagreement between Religions

========================= II. There are good reasons to be SKEPTICAL about religion and religious beliefs. A. Religion is NOT the key to Happiness and Virtue, contrary to common belief. B. Significant Disagreements exist Between Different Religions. ======================== Significant Disagreements exist Between Different Religions According to Christianity, Jesus was God incarnate, fully God and fully human.  But Skepticism about Religion – Part 5: Disagreement between Religions