atheism & naturalism

Back in Business!

The Secular Outpost shut down (publication of new posts ceased) in December of 2021. The Internet Infidels have started a new skeptical blog called The Secular Frontier. Posts previously published at The Secular Outpost will still be available here at The Secular Frontier. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Ralph Reed Tries to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes

================================ NOTE: This post was contributed by Gregory S. Paul, who is an occasional contributor to Free Inquiry, and who published an important article called “Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies”.  Here is how Michael Shermer summarized that article: Is religion a necessary component of social health? Ralph Reed Tries to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes

Evaluation of the Christian Answer to Worldview Question #2 – Part 2: Does Sin Exist?

WHERE WE ARE There are four basic questions that can be used to analyze a worldview. In this post, I will begin to evaluate the Christian answer to worldview question #2. CHRISTIAN ANSWERS TO THE FIRST TWO WORLDVIEW QUESTIONS  The following is a short version of what I take to be the Christian answers to Evaluation of the Christian Answer to Worldview Question #2 – Part 2: Does Sin Exist?

Podcast #6: Evaluation of the Christian Answer to Worldview Question #1

I fell off the wagon, and have not produced a podcast since 2017.  I got back on the wagon this year, and have finally produced Podcast #6 in my series “Thinking Critically About: Is Christianity True?” I have analyzed the Christian worldview in relation to four basic worldview questions: Q1. What are the most important Podcast #6: Evaluation of the Christian Answer to Worldview Question #1

The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 9: Enhanced 2nd Argument for Changing Things

WHERE WE ARE In his book When Skeptics Ask (hereafter: WSA), Norman Geisler presents his general version of a Thomist Cosmological Argument (hereafter: TCA).  The first premise of Geisler’s TCA is this: 1. Finite, changing things exist.  (WSA, p.18) Geisler provides a very brief argument in support of (1) in WSA.  In Part 4 of The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 9: Enhanced 2nd Argument for Changing Things