assholes for Jesus

He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 3: A Bait-and-Switch Jesus The billion-dollar “He Gets Us” (hereafter: HGU) ad campaign for Jesus and Christianity is a classic “bait and switch” scam. It advertises an appealing Jesus who is a loving, tolerant, liberal feminist who rejects racism, but in reality, the ads are promoting conservative white evangelical Christianity and the racism, sexism, bigotry, and intolerance for He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 3: A Bait-and-Switch Jesus

Apologist Responds? Check. Uncharitable? Check. Uses Cheap Shots and Insults? Check.

I stopped reading Triablogue some time ago, but today I decided to make an exception. After I posted my comment about the twin hypothesis, I thought to myself, “I’ll bet Steve Hays responds to this and uses the ‘Village Atheist’ tag.” My prediction was accurate. (See his post here.) In my comment, I didn’t defend the twin Apologist Responds? Check. Uncharitable? Check. Uses Cheap Shots and Insults? Check.