Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 5: A Good Definition
WHERE WE ARE In my initial post on miracles, I analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: IMPACT – the emotional or psychological effect of a miracle GENUS – the most general category to which a miracle belongs SPECIES – the sub-category (of the most general category) to which a miracle belongs AGENT/CAUSE – … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 5: A Good Definition
Dawkins’ FAILURE to Refute Aquinas
In his book The God Delusion (hereafter: TGD), Richard Dawkins ends the second chapter (“The God Hypothesis”) with these words: …before proceeding with my main reason for actively disbelieving in God’s existence, I have the responsibility to dispose of the positive arguments for belief that have been offered through history. TGD, First Mariner Books edition … Dawkins’ FAILURE to Refute Aquinas
Craig’s Case for God – Part 1: Introduction
Dr. William Craig presents a case for the existence of God in his book How Do We Know God Exists? (Lexham Press, Bellingham, WA, 2022; hereafter: HDWK). In this short book of less than 100 pages, Craig presents two cosmological arguments, a moral argument, a teleological argument, and an ontological argument for the existence of … Craig’s Case for God – Part 1: Introduction
Geisler’s Case for the Existence of God – LINK
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Peter Kreeft’s Case for God – LINK
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Cases for God: A Short Bibliography
There are hundreds or thousands of books that discuss arguments for and/or against the existence of God. You will never be able to read them all! However, if you read a few books by Christian apologists who are philosophers, and who present a case for the existence of God (consisting of multiple arguments for God), … Cases for God: A Short Bibliography
How the Suffering and Death of Billions and Billions of Kids Completely Disproves the Existence of a Good and Loving God – Including Wrecking Free Will Theodicy in the Process
This essay is in association with the June 2022 Biblical Studies Carnival you can check out at https://secularfrontier.infidels.org/2022/06/test-post-for-june-2022-biblical-studies-carnival/ Just the Stat’s Ma’am I first got a hint of the facts that — as screamingly obvious as they are have gone shockingly ignored — refute the premise presented in the Bible and other scriptures that there … How the Suffering and Death of Billions and Billions of Kids Completely Disproves the Existence of a Good and Loving God – Including Wrecking Free Will Theodicy in the Process
Professor Craig on Theistic Hypotheses
In 2018 I posted on SO a review of Tim Crane’s book The Meaning of Belief: Religion from an Atheist’s Point of View: Crane argues that atheists have largely misunderstood religion by regarding it as a sort of cosmological hypothesis, one that makes insupportable claims about the creation of the universe via the supernatural acts … Professor Craig on Theistic Hypotheses
The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 12: What is Potentiality?
WHERE WE ARE In his book Philosophy of Religion (hereafter: POR), Norman Geisler provides an argument in support of the second premise of his Thomist Cosmological Argument (see pages 194-197). Here is my understanding of the argument that Geisler gives in support of that premise: 52. But no potentiality can actualize itself. THEREFORE: 53a. There … The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 12: What is Potentiality?
The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 10: Geisler’s Argument for Premise (2)
WHERE WE ARE In his book When Skeptics Ask (hereafter: WSA), Norman Geisler presents his general version of a Thomist Cosmological Argument (hereafter: TCA). I analyze this argument in Part 2 of this series. The first premise of Geisler’s TCA is this: 1. Finite, changing things exist. (WSA, p.18) Geisler provides a very brief argument … The Unmoved Mover Argument – Part 10: Geisler’s Argument for Premise (2)