
Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 7: The “Break their Legs” Objection

Peter Kreeft’s Objection #2 against the Survival Theory (TST) is based on a dubious passage from the 4th Gospel: The fact that the Roman soldier did not break Jesus’ legs, as he did to the other two crucified criminals (Jn 19:31-33), means that the soldier was sure Jesus was dead. Breaking the legs hastened the death Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 7: The “Break their Legs” Objection

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 6: Objections Based on the 4th Gospel

WHERE WE ARE AT In this series of posts I will defend the Survival Theory (TST) against the nine objections that Peter Kreeft puts forward in Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA).   Kreeft’s nine objections to TST can also be found in an online article at the Strange Notions website. Kreeft mistakenly takes Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 6: Objections Based on the 4th Gospel

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 4: The ‘Where Did Jesus Go?’ Objection

WHERE WE ARE AT In this series of posts I will defend the Survival Theory (TST) against the nine objections that Peter Kreeft puts forward in Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA).   Kreeft’s nine objections to TST can also be found in an online article at the Strange Notions website. Kreeft mistakenly takes Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 4: The ‘Where Did Jesus Go?’ Objection

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 3: The Deadliness of Roman Crucifixion

In this series of posts I will defend the Survival Theory (TST) against the nine objections that Peter Kreeft puts forward in Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA).   Kreeft’s nine objections to TST can also be found in an online article at the Strange Notions website. (NOTE: Kreeft mistakenly takes aim at the Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 3: The Deadliness of Roman Crucifixion

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 1: What is the Swoon Theory?

In Chapter 8 of his Handbook of Christian Apologetics (co-authored with Ronald Tacelli), Peter Kreeft attempts to disprove the Swoon Theory as part of an elimination-of-alternatives argument for the resurrection of Jesus.  Kreeft thinks that by disproving four skeptical theories, he can show that the Christian theory is true, that Jesus actually rose from the dead. Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 1: What is the Swoon Theory?

Defending the Conspiracy Theory – INDEX

Dr. Peter Kreeft believes there are only five possible theories about the alleged resurrection of Jesus, and the Conspiracy Theory (hereafter: TCT) is one of those theories: In Chapter 8 of his Handbook of Christian Apologetics (co-authored with Ronald Tacelli), Peter Kreeft attempts to disprove the Conspiracy Theory (TCT), as part of an elimination-of-alternatives argument for Defending the Conspiracy Theory – INDEX

Defending the Conspiracy Theory – Part 14: Exposure by Adversaries

WHERE WE ARE AT Peter Kreeft raises seven objections against The Conspiracy Theory (hereafter: TCT) in an attempt to disprove that theory, as part of an elimination-of-alternatives argument for the resurrection of Jesus.  Kreeft thinks that by disproving four skeptical theories, he can show that the Christian theory is true, that Jesus actually rose from Defending the Conspiracy Theory – Part 14: Exposure by Adversaries