argument from history of science

25 Questions for Theists

Almost five years ago, I published my “20+ Questions for Theists.” They say hindsight is 20/20. After reading the numerous comments in the combox, I can see that I was not as clear as I would have liked to have been. So I’d like to offer a clarification before reposting the list of questions, which 25 Questions for Theists

Video of Lowder’s Debate with Frank Turek on Naturalism vs. Theism

Topic: “What Better Explains Reality? Naturalism or Theism”Link: Links to Specific Elements of Debate: Moderator’s Introduction: Lowder’s Opening Statement (20 minutes): Turek’s Opening Statement (20 minutes): Lowder’s First Rebuttal (10 minutes): Turek’s First Rebuttal (10 minutes): Lowder’s Cross-Examination of Turek (10 minutes): Turek’s Cross-Examination of Lowder (10 minutes): Audience Q&A: Lowder’s Closing Statement (5 minutes): Video of Lowder’s Debate with Frank Turek on Naturalism vs. Theism

Paul Draper, the Fallacy of Understated Evidence, Theism, and Naturalism

(Redated post originally published on 23 November 2011) Paul Draper has usefully identified a fallacy of inductive reasoning he calls the “fallacy of understated evidence.” According to Draper, in the context of arguments for theism and against naturalism, proponents of a theistic argument are guilty of this fallacy if they “successfully identify some general fact Paul Draper, the Fallacy of Understated Evidence, Theism, and Naturalism

Here’s One Way to Resist Naturalistic Arguments: Lack Belief that Matter Exists!

A Christian apologist writing under the pseudonym ‘InvestigativeApologetics’ stated the usual objection to atheism, namely, that it’s impossible to prove or give evidence for the non-existence of God. The fact is that atheists who yell that “there is no evidence for God (or Christianity)” are protesting too much, so to speak, and they are, in Here’s One Way to Resist Naturalistic Arguments: Lack Belief that Matter Exists!

G&T Rebuttal, Part 4: Chapter 5

Chapter 5. The First Life: Natural Law or Divine Awe? In this chapter, G&T defend a design argument focused on the first life. They also present a variety of objections to scientism and materialism. I will provide a very brief summary of their points, before providing my critique. (i) Argument to Design of the First G&T Rebuttal, Part 4: Chapter 5

Stan Stephens’s Categorical Misunderstandings of Atheism

Stan Stephens has finally decided to respond to my list of sixteen (16) lines of empirical evidence which favor naturalism over theism. Here is the first sentence of his reply. Jeffery Jay Lowder provided a list of empirical proofs. (emphasis added) I’ve emphasized Stan’s use of the word “proofs” because it exposes a fundamental misunderstanding Stan Stephens’s Categorical Misunderstandings of Atheism