argument from biological evolution

Paul Draper, the Fallacy of Understated Evidence, Theism, and Naturalism

(Redated post originally published on 23 November 2011) Paul Draper has usefully identified a fallacy of inductive reasoning he calls the “fallacy of understated evidence.” According to Draper, in the context of arguments for theism and against naturalism, proponents of a theistic argument are guilty of this fallacy if they “successfully identify some general fact Paul Draper, the Fallacy of Understated Evidence, Theism, and Naturalism

Weighing Theistic Evidence Against Naturalistic Evidence

In the next-to-last paragraph of his book, C.S. Lewis’ Dangerous Idea: In Defense of the Argument from Reason, Victor Reppert makes a very interesting statement: However, I contend that the arguments from reason do provide some substantial reasons for preferring theism to naturalism. The “problem of reason” is a huge problem for reason, as serious or, I Weighing Theistic Evidence Against Naturalistic Evidence

The Evidential Argument from Biological Evolution, Part 2: Is Evolution Evidence for Theism?

Let’s begin reviewing the logical form of the argument, as described in Part 1 of this series. (1) Evolution is antecedently much more probable on the assumption that naturalism is true than on the assumption that theism is true. (2) The statement that pain and pleasure systematically connected to reproductive success is antecedently much more The Evidential Argument from Biological Evolution, Part 2: Is Evolution Evidence <I>for</I> Theism?

Lowder-Vandergriff Debate on God’s Existence Now Out!

I’m pleased to announce that my debate on God’s existence with Mr. Kevin Vandergriff is now out! Here are the options for accessing the debate. Topic and Format The topic and format for our debate was as follows. Topic: Naturalism vs. Christian Theism: Where Does the Evidence Point? Format:  Mr. Lowder’s Opening Statement: 20 minutes Mr. Vandergriff’s Lowder-Vandergriff Debate on God’s Existence Now Out!

The Evidential Argument from Biological Evolution: Part 1

Many conservative Christians and lay atheists alike claim that if biological evolution is true, then God does not exist. Ironically, while many conservative Christians have attacked evolution because it supposedly entails atheism, only one contemporary atheist philosopher has argued that evolution is evidence for atheism: Paul Draper. Draper defends an evidential argument from evolution for naturalism. The Evidential Argument from Biological Evolution: Part 1

Link: Darwin’s Argument from Evil by Paul Draper

Draper’s chapter was published in Yujin Nagasawa (ed.), Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion. Palgrave Macmillan. 49 (2012). It’s available online for free courtesy of Google Books. LINK Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Stan Stephens’s Categorical Misunderstandings of Atheism

Stan Stephens has finally decided to respond to my list of sixteen (16) lines of empirical evidence which favor naturalism over theism. Here is the first sentence of his reply. Jeffery Jay Lowder provided a list of empirical proofs. (emphasis added) I’ve emphasized Stan’s use of the word “proofs” because it exposes a fundamental misunderstanding Stan Stephens’s Categorical Misunderstandings of Atheism