Keith Parsons

Evil Atheist Parsons Exposed!

If you want all the dirt on that evil atheist Keith Parsons you should check here: The author of this blog has decided to smite me in the name of the Lord for some comments I made in a debate with William Lane Craig ten years ago. Here, you will learn that in my Evil Atheist Parsons Exposed!

Take the Unbelief Test!

I was looking at an ad on the Amazon site for Daniel Keeran’s book If there is no God, and I saw this blurb for the book: “Atheism is more than a belief in no god or gods. Take the unbelief test. Do you believe: 1. humans have souls? 2. there is an afterlife? 3. Take the Unbelief Test!

Refute Evolution in Five Minutes!

The Texas Freedom Network posted this portion of an e-mail from some religious right organization called The American Family Association. Someone named Jeffrey Howard (anybody ever heard of him?) can teach you how to refute evolution in just five minutes! You can confute “hardened skeptics” and “leave scientists with their mouths hanging open!” Actually, I’m Refute Evolution in Five Minutes!

Tu Quoque Apologetics

I don’t think that philosophical defenders of theism could ply their trade without employing tu quoque arguments. The use of this device in defense of theistic doctrine goes back at least to Bishop Berkeley. When atheist astronomer Edmund Halley (famous for his comet) charged that the doctrines of Christianity are incomprehensible, Berkeley composed The Analyst Tu Quoque Apologetics


One of the oddest things about the “new atheist” phenomenon, typified by the best-selling anti-theistic works of Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens, is that some of the most vituperative criticisms of these works have come, not from fundamentalist Bible-beaters, but from liberal, secular, intellectuals. For instance, last October, the Los Angeles SUPERLATIVELY SILLY SUPER-SENSITIVE SECULARISTS


Taner’s post on the argument that the “laws of logic” require a transcendent ground (i.e., God) understandably dismissed that argument. It is silly. However, it is the kind of silliness that has just enough of a plausible ring to it to give it rhetorical impetus. So, to prevent it from doing mischief, it is good GOD AND THE “LAWS OF LOGIC”